2023-24 Budget and Community Plan Action Plan
Published on 28 November 2023
Key Highlights of the Budget 2023–24
- Opening the library at the Mernda Town Centre and commencing work on the library hub at Kirrip Community Centre in Wollert
- increasing funding for community grants by 33% ($0.66 million) to $2.69 million
- launching a Whittlesea Services Hub in Whittlesea township to make it easier for residents in the northern part of the municipality to communicate and transact with Council
- developing a one-stop-shop online customer portal to make it easier for customers to interact with Council online
- commencing the design and site preparation of the Regional Aquatic and Sport Centre
- continuing the construction of Granite Hills Major Community Park
- commencing construction of the Aboriginal Gathering Place
- delivering a multi-faceted program to tackle illegal rubbish dumping and improve local amenity especially in new communities
- developing a new Community Local Law to reflect the community’s views on how we want to show respect for one another, protect our people and our local environment
- Revamping Council’s Community Grants program to ensure a wider and more equitable distribution of funding
- funding to support local business including a grants program, industry development programs and an Agri-Food Action Plan to attract investment in the sector
- finalising the renewed Epping Central Structure Plan to ensure the precinct continues to thrive as an employment, housing, retail, health and education hub.
The Budget 2023–24 has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards. The Budget aims to continue Council's commitment to invest in services and infrastructure in a financially responsible way by balancing the needs of our community while achieving long term financial sustainability.
*If you require the documents in a different format please contact us on 9217 2170 or email feedback@whittlesea.vic.gov.au