
Panel of Administrators

On 19 June 2020 the Acting Minister for Local Government appointed a Panel of Administrators for the City of Whittlesea and appointed Lydia Wilson as Chair of the Panel. The Panel comprised of Ms Lydia Wilson, the Honourable Bruce Billson and Ms Peita Duncan.

On 3 March 2021, the Hon. Bruce Billson resigned from his position as Administrator with the City of Whittlesea.

On 12 May 2021, the Minister for Local Government appointed Mr Chris Eddy as the third Panel Member. Mr Eddy resigned from his position as Administrator on 13 December 2022.

On 2 March 2023, the Minister for Local Government appointed Mr Christian Zahra AM as the third member of the Panel of Administrators.

Lydia Wilson, Peita Duncan and Christian Zahra AM will undertake the duties of the Council of the City of Whittlesea until the October 2024 Local Government election.

Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson

Lydia Wilson began as Administrator on Saturday 21 March 2020. She was appointed Chair of the Panel of Administrators on Friday 19 June 2020.


Lydia brings a depth of corporate governance experience to the Administrator role.

She has served on multiple not-for-profit, public- and private-sector boards and advisory committees over the past 25 years.

Lydia's governance roles have included appointments on Ministerial Advisory committees for waterways, waste and resource recovery.

Lydia has also held board governance appointments in the areas of procurement, aged care, childcare and health services.

She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a past Fellow of Local Government Professionals.

As a former chief executive of three Victorian municipalities - Manningham, Yarra and Macedon Ranges - Lydia has a detailed understanding of the local government sector and brings valuable experience to support her Administrator function.

Meet Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson

2023 update:

Administrator Peita Duncan


Peita Duncan is an experienced professional with skills in commercial and general management.

She has worked for a number of law firms in business development and management roles. She also has extensive experience in human resources, business development, business operations and recruitment support.

Peita was formerly a Non-Executive Director of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) and a Non-Executive Director of the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA).

She is currently the Chair of Greyhound Racing Victoria.

Meet Administrator Peita Duncan

2023 update:

Administrator Christian Zahra


Mr Zahra is a former elected member of the Federal Parliament and an accomplished executive and non-executive director with 25 years of experience in the private, government, and not-for-profit sectors.

Mr Zahra has a particular expertise in rural and regional development, having held high profile roles in regional development, including as Chairman of the Federal Government’s one billion dollar Regional Development Australia Fund Advisory Panel. In June 2018, Mr Zahra was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to rural and regional development, to the advancement of Indigenous welfare, and to the Australian Parliament.

Mr Zahra was an Administrator at the South Gippsland Shire Council, from July 2019 until October 2021. He currently serves as a Principal at Impact Partners Australia, which offers high-level strategic, government relations, and public policy advice to organisations in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. He is also currently appointed to the Boards of the Regional Australia Institute and Waardi Limited. Mr Zahra holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Masters in Assessment.

A message from Administrator Christian Zahra:

Code of Conduct for Administrators/Councillors

We adopted a Code of Conduct for Administrators/Councillors on 17 October 2023.

The purpose of the code is to promote and reinforce the values and behaviours that guide Administrators in delivering great outcomes for the City of Whittlesea.

  • The code sets out how Administrators will lead by example, and promote the highest standards in conducting Council business.
  • It also commits Administrators to champion Council’s adopted values and behaviours in pursuit of our future vision.

The code contains a pledge stating that Administrators will work in the best interests of all people who live in our municipality, who conduct business here, and those who visit.

In adopting the code, Administrators promise to adhere to the principles, values and behaviours outlined in the code, and to work diligently to deliver on our shared community vision - Whittlesea 2040: A place for all.

The code also sets out a process for addressing any breach of the standards of conduct prescribed by law.

Download the code

Councillor Code of Conduct September 2023(PDF, 837KB)

Councillor Code of Conduct September 2023 (Accessible)(DOCX, 178KB)

Councillor gift policy

The Councillor gift policy clearly states Council’s position in relation to offers of gifts and benefits.

The policy will give members of the community confidence that Council decisions are not influenced by gift offers and that decisions are based on impartial advice aimed at achieving the best outcomes for the community.


Councillor gift policy(PDF, 251KB)

Councillor expense reimbursement and support policy

The Councillor expense reimbursement and support policy supports Councillors and members of delegated committees to perform their role, as defined under the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic), by ensuring that expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their role are reimbursed.


Councillor expense reimbursement and support policy(PDF, 446KB)

Administrator expenses

Please find the Administrator expenses report for the period of 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 (Quarter 4) below.


Administrator expenses - Q4 financial year 2023-2024(PDF, 620KB)

Administrator expenses - Q4 financial year 2023-2024 - accessible(DOCX, 67KB)

Reports of Administrators

The reports of Administrator activity, which will be published quarterly on Council's website, include where they have each acted as a representative of Council: 

  • to another body
  • in engagement with the community
  • at an event
  • for a media commitment.


Please find the reports of Administrators for the period of 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 below.

Meetings and engagements 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024(PDF, 426KB)

Meetings and engagements 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 - accessible(DOCX, 172KB)

Contact our Administrators

Phone: 03 9217 2500


The Panel of Administrators are unable to assist you with enquiries about permits, fines or fast-tracking applications.

Our Customer Service team are on hand to help with these matters.

You can contact them by calling 03 9217 2170 or emailing