Active Whittlesea Strategy We're committed to improving the quality of life for all residents. We recognise the valuable contribution that sport, physical activity, open space and recreation make to community health and wellbeing.
Agri-Food Plan 2023-2026 The Agri-Food Plan 2023-2026 provides direction for investment attraction and growth in the local agri-food sector.
Asset Plan and Asset Management Plans With over $3.2 billion worth of infrastructure assets across our city, we have developed plans to ensure our assets are strategically managed to meet our community’s current and future needs.
Biodiversity Strategy 2019-2029 Biodiversity is short for biological diversity and describes the wide range of all living things. We've created a ten-year strategy, outlining how we can protect and improve our local biodiversity.
Budget 2024-2025 Our Annual Budget 2024-25 represents a financially responsible and sustainable investment in the delivery of core services and infrastructure investment that is critical in supporting our growing local community.
Circular Economy Plan 2023-2026 The City of Whittlesea developed a Circular Economy Plan that advocates for circular principles in line with the Strong Local Economy Strategy.
Climate Change Plan 2022-2032 We've developed the Climate Change Plan 2022-2032, which outlines our role in minimising the Council's emissions, and supporting the community to take climate action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Community Building Strategy - better together We can influence our community's wellbeing through our planning, services, and approach to issues like family violence and gambling. We're looking at how we can effectively prioritise to achieve the best outcomes.
Community Engagement Policy This page outlines our commitment to actively involve the community in decision-making so we can deliver better quality outcomes and reach our Whittlesea 2040 Vision.
Community Plan 2021-2025 This plan shapes our future and explains how we're looking to achieve key health and inclusion outcomes such as family violence prevention, climate change, gender equality and participation in employment.
Community Plan Action Plan 2024-2025 This action plan details our focus areas to achieve the Community Plan's five goals: connected community, liveable neighbourhoods, strong local economy, sustainable environment and a high-performing organisation.
Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy Feeling safe is an important part of everyone's wellbeing. We work closely with police and community organisations through the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee, which is co-chaired with Victoria Police.
Complaints policy We encourage feedback about our services, actions, decisions and policies. Our complaints policy sets out our process in handling and resolving complaints.
Connected Community Strategy 2023-2033 The Connected Community Strategy plays a pivotal role directing alignment of priority areas for action and implementation of the outcomes we want to achieve over the life of the Strategy.
Councillor Communications Policy This policy ensures roles are clear and councillors and Council staff are empowered to deliver excellent external communication to the City of Whittlesea community in line with their roles, responsibilities and obligations.
Councillor Social Media Policy This policy outlines the benefits and risks of social media use by Councillors and provides guidance on its appropriate use and specific provisions which must be observed.
Cultural Heritage Strategy 2019-2025 Our Cultural Heritage Strategy features a series of objectives and actions that guide us as we protect, celebrate and preserve the rich history and heritage that exists within our municipality.
Customer Experience (CX) Plan Our Customer Experience (CX) Plan helps us focus on putting you first. It guides us to deliver better services and facilities, ensures that every interaction with us is excellent and improves your life in our community.
Cycling Sport and Skate Strategy 2015-2025 The City of Whittlesea’s Cycling Sport and Skate Strategy 2015-2025 identifies that up to 70,000 residents within the Whittlesea Local Government Area are likely to skate, scooter or cycle by 2025.
Destination Plan 2023-2026 Tourism in the area experienced significant downturn due to the pandemic. We've identified key opportunities and developed an action plan to help guide how we manage tourism for the next three years.
Domestic Animal Management Plan This plan explains how we care for and manage domestic animals, or pets. Learn how we promote responsible pet ownership and manage nuisance animals, dog attacks and pet registrations within our city.
Economic Participation Plan 2023-2026 Our plan describes how we're helping groups who struggle to find employment and face unfair obstacles to working. This plan is our commitment to making employment more accessible for everyone.
Eden Park Bushfire Erosion Mitigation Plan Eden Park is an area at high risk of bushfire. Bushfire can increase the likelihood of erosion in the park, particularly if fire is followed by rain before the area has had the chance to recover.
Equal and Safe Strategy 2019 This page includes the Equal and Safe Strategy 2019 as well as information regarding a related project undertaken from 2018-2020, 'Gender Equity in Employment in Melbourne’s Outer Growth Suburbs'.
Fair Access Policy 2024 The Fair Access Policy primarily guides Council’s work toward providing safe and connected spaces for everyone to access sporting infrastructure, in line with our overarching goal of Whittlesea 2040: A place for all: Connected Community.
Financial Plan 2021-2031 Our Financial Plan aims to balance maximising support for our community in the present, while maintaining a sound financial position to enable long term support for our growing community.
Gambling Strategy and Action Plan Gambling on electronic gaming machines is a legitimate recreational activity, but it can cause negative social and economic impacts for people, their family and friends, workplaces, and the wider community.
Gender Equality Action Plan 2021–2025 Our plan outlines key gender equality insights relating to our workforce, and the positive actions we commit to driving forward over the life of this plan in pursuit of improved gender equality outcomes for our staff.
Governance rules The City of Whittlesea Governance Rules sets out the rules for meeting procedures, disclosure of conflicts of interest, elections and other matters.
Greening Whittlesea - City Forest Strategy 2020-2040 Learn how we're planning to protect, grow and manage our trees and green cover as part of our commitment to creating a sustainable environment, liveable neighbourhoods and connected communities.
Housing Diversity Strategy 2013-2033 Our Housing Diversity Strategy will ensure there is a greater choice of housing available to residents and that housing growth occurs in the right way and in appropriate locations.
Integrated Transport Plan 2024-2034 The Integrated Transport Plan 2024-2034 is designed to promote more convenient transport choices for the community.
Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy 2023-2033 The Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy 2023-2033 outlines the City of Whittlesea’s approach to creating and maintaining liveable neighbourhoods that are attractive and well-planned with open spaces and town centres that are convenient and vibrant places for all.
Long-Term Community Infrastructure Plan 2024-2033 Our community infrastructure plan guides our investment in buildings and spaces that provide our community with local opportunities to access community services, programs, activities, sports and recreation.
Open Space Strategy Our strategy sets out the planning, design and management of our open spaces. Each space has a role to play – depending on its size, location and character. Find your nearest park, playground and details of facilities.
Planning for Biodiversity Policy We have developed a Planning for Biodiversity Policy to guide developers and Council officers to ensure all new conservation reserves are appropriately designed and handed over in a suitable condition.
Positive Ageing Strategy 2016-2025 Supporting residents in understanding the actions they can take to age well is the focus of our strategy. It outlines our role in assisting the community to live fulfilled lives regardless of age, health or life stage.
Pricing Policy – Fees and Charges The City of Whittlesea Pricing Policy provides a transparent and consistent approach to establishing and setting of fees and charges for services delivered by Council.
Quarry Hills Future Directions Plan Known as bunjil nganga cultural landscape by the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people, Quarry Hills Parkland is the site of the proposed 1,100 hectare regional open space. The area will protect ecological and cultural values and provide significant open space.
Rethinking Waste Plan 2021-2030 Developed with input from the community, our plan contains targets like reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill by 68,000 tonnes annually and cutting waste generated per person by 20% by 2030.
Social and Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Our strategy provides a practical plan to help increase access to affordable housing. While not a housing provider, we can factor it into our planning, and partner with service providers and government.
Strong Local Economy Strategy We adopted the Strong Local Economy strategy at our meeting on 21 February 2022. It will guide our approach to building and supporting a strong and innovative local economy over the next five years.
Sustainable Environment Strategy We adopted the Sustainable Environment Strategy in November 2022. It will shape our environmental priorities over the next ten years to ensure we create a liveable and sustainable environment for our residents.
Thomastown Lalor Place Framework Our framework is a shared vision to guide the future of Thomastown and Lalor. It identifies priority opportunities for community that can shape places and form connections to deliver a network of improvements.
Vehicle Crossing Policy 2024 Our Vehicle Crossing Policy helps us manage applications to modify existing vehicle crossings and create new vehicle crossings in the City of Whittlesea.
Walking and Cycling Plan 2022-2027 The Walking and Cycling Plan has been developed to help improve conditions, raise awareness about the opportunities for both activities and increase the level of participation in the City of Whittlesea.
Whittlesea 2040: A place for all The Whittlesea 2040 strategy outlines the long-term vision for the City of Whittlesea. It guides us to achieve our connected community, liveable neighbourhoods, sustainable environment and strong economy goals.
Whittlesea Water For All – Our water strategy 2020-2030 Read how we're planning to become leaders in the planning, use and management of water. Our goal is cleaner, greener, smarter, prepared and united water management for the benefit of all.