Community Engagement Policy

Policy purpose

Our Community Engagement Policy 2023-2027 outlines our commitment to actively involve the community in decision-making so we can deliver better quality outcomes and reach our Whittlesea 2040 Vision for:

  • a connected community
  • a sustainable environment 
  • a strong local economy
  • liveable neighbourhoods
  • a higher performing organisation. 

Your voice matters in shaping our future

We want to actively involve the people who live, work, study and do business within the City of Whittlesea.

We believe good community engagement leads to better decision-making, helps to foster a long-term relationship between community and Council and makes our community a better place for everyone.Download the policy

Community Engagement Policy 2023-2027(PDF, 609KB)

Community Engagement Policy 2023-2027 - accessible(DOCX, 1MB)