Community Plan Action Plan 2024-2025

This Community Plan Action Plan 2024-2025 is the annual supplement to the Community Plan 2021-2025.

It outlines the key actions we will focus on delivering in the financial year 2024-2025 under our five goals:

  • Connected community
  • Liveable neighbourhoods
  • Strong local economy
  • Sustainable environment
  • High-performing organisation

Download and view the Community Plan Action Plan

The Proposed Action Plan plays a pivotal role in working towards the vision and strategic direction embedded in Whittlesea 2040 and the Community Plan 2021-2025.

Community Plan Action Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 12MB)

View the key actions

Connected community

  • Consult and develop the community local law to make our municipality safer.
  • Engage with culturally and linguistically diverse community groups to improve access to Prevention of Violence Against Women programs, services, and resources.
  • Implement new cat management initiatives, including the cat confinement local law.
  • Increase community emergency resilience and preparedness, including for people most at risk or at risk communities, to address emergency incidents such as fire, storm, flood, and pandemic.
  • Deliver the Emergency Services Exhibition in partnership with service organisations to increase community awareness, build relationships and educate around emergencies.
  • Finalise the Connected Community Strategy to guide how we create a socially cohesive, healthy, safe, and engaged community.
  • Increase partnerships with community groups and event providers so more people attend our vibrant events.
  • Complete design and commence construction of an Aboriginal Gathering Place to foster connections to culture, heritage, land, and healing.
  • Continue to deliver the Community Leadership Program to support residents’ leadership skills across community and civic projects.
  • Provide advice and support Neami National and other partners to establish the Mental Health Local Service for Adults and Older Adults.
  • Increase support to senior citizen groups via an expanded grants program.
  • Commence design and site preparations of the regional aquatics and sports centre in Mernda.
  • Increase provision of netball facilities to support increased female participation in sport and recreation.
  • Design the tennis facility at Huskisson Reserve.
  • Develop a Fair Access Policy Implementation Plan to increase participation, equality and inclusion in local sports and recreation, specifically among women and girls.
  • Create vibrant and welcoming community spaces with activities and programs responding to local community needs.
  • Commence constructing the Community Activity Centre in Patterson Drive, Donnybrook.
  • Establish a City of Whittlesea Youth Council.
  • Adopt the Whittlesea Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2027.

Liveable neighbourhoods

  • Finalise the Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy to drive Council's program of work to deliver desirable transport, planning, urban design, open space, and housing outcomes.
  • Commence design to improve access to the Whittlesea Township Park to better connect our community.
  • Continue to upgrade Whittlesea Public Gardens.
  • Continue to upgrade public toilets in line with the Public Toilet Amenity Plan.
  • Continue the construction of Granite Hills Major Community Park.
  • Deliver the local road resurfacing works.
  • Deliver the local road reconstruction works.
  • Improve disability access to public transport.
  • Commence streetscape improvements at Gorge Road shopping precinct in South Morang.
  • Advocate for increased affordable and accessible housing in the municipality to address the significant shortfall for local residents outcomes.

Strong local economy

  • Adopt the Agri-Food Action Plan to attract investment in the sector and support existing businesses.
  • Facilitate partnerships between industry, education and job seekers through targeted initiatives supporting under-employed people including people with a disability.
  • Develop a business grants and incentives program for business attraction and support.
  • Deliver industry development programs for priority sectors.
  • Finalise the refreshed Epping Central Structure Plan.
  • Continue implementing the kindergarten reform in conjunction with the Department of Education.
  • Open the Mernda Town Centre Community Library and commence works on the Library Hub at Kirrip Community Centre.

Sustainable environment

  • Continue to implement the Rethinking Waste Plan to support our community to become a leader in sustainable living.
  • Educate our community around illegally dumped rubbish to enhance compliance, and keep the city clean via an intensive dumped rubbish program.
  • Continue to renew and upgrade Peter Hopper Lake in Mill Park.
  • Continue to implement the Green Wedge Management Plan.
  • Improve conservation reserves fire management planning and operations.
  • Undertake a study to understand the current and future carrying capacity of wildlife, i.e. how many healthy wildlife numbers our Whittlesea environment can sustain now and into the future.
  • Continue to improve the energy efficiency of Council buildings and facilities including solar and lighting upgrades.
  • Investigate options for introducing a local resource recovery shop.
  • Develop a Readiness and Activation Guideline to mitigate the effects on our community in extreme heat events, particularly to support vulnerable community members.

High performing organisation

  • Make it easier to interact with Council by building a customer portal, adding more services online and upgrading the city’s website.
  • Launch a new service centre in Whittlesea township.
  • Continue to advocate for Council's priority projects for better community outcomes.
  • Continue to implement the Workforce Plan to attract and retain skilled staff to deliver for our community, including an inclusive employment program.
  • Continue to implement the Gender Equality Action Plan to ensure a safe and equal workplace and progress towards becoming an Employer of Choice.
  • Finalise the Long-Term Community Infrastructure Plan.
  • Continue implementing our place-based service delivery model to be responsive to the needs of our local communities.
  • Finalise the High-Performing Organisation Strategy to guide effective and efficient use of resources, and good governance at Council.
  • Provide information and support to residents experiencing severe mortgage stress in line with Council's Financial Hardship Policy.
  • Implement Council's Research and Analytics Plan to enable informed decisions for the benefit of our community.
  • Identify key initiatives that have a 'direct and significant impact on community' for gender impact assessment under the Gender Equality Act 2020 operating environment.