Connected Community Strategy 2023-2033

The Connected Community Strategy plays a pivotal role directing alignment of priority areas for action and implementation of the outcomes we want to achieve over the life of the Strategy.

The Strategy is informed by extensive research and community engagement to make sure it reflects the needs and views of our community and will guide Council’s work and future partnerships with the community.

Our strategic direction

In developing the Strategy, Council has incorporated the goals and aspirations set out in Whittlesea 2040 and the key directions established in the Community Plan 2021-2025.

Shared community outcomes have been identified under each key direction to progress the Strategy and provide a focus towards strengthening social connections and building community.

Key direction 1: A socially cohesive community

  • All members of our community feel that they belong, are valued and respected.
  • Our community strengthens connections between diverse cultures.
  • Our community shares stories and learns from one another.
  • Our community values and respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and celebrates their rich diverse cultures.

Key direction 2: A healthy and safe community

  • Our community is healthy, well and physically active.
  • Our community can live independently and safely.
  • Our children and young people are supported to thrive.
  • Our community experiences financial wellbeing.
  • Our community feels safe and supported.
  • Our community experiences healthy, equal and respectful relationships, and live free from abuse and family violence.
  • Our community is prepared and able to respond and recover from emergencies.

Key direction 3: A participating community

  • Our community is empowered and enabled to participate in decision-making.
  • Our community values and acknowledges volunteering.

Making it happen

Whittlesea 2040: A place for all will guide all of the work we do here at Council.

To bring Whittlesea 2040 to life, we will: 

  • plan strategically for the future and use evidence to inform decision making
  • provide opportunities for you to have a say in local decisions and help shape our democracy
  • form strong partnerships with residents, not-for-profit organisations, businesses and other levels of government
  • advocate for what's best for our community
  • support community led initiatives and solutions
  • promote equity, access and inclusion
  • take preventative action to avoid issues
  • plan and deliver services that empower you to connect, learn, work and play
  • be innovative, seek new ways to improve how we work and the outcomes we achieve
  • use new technology to enhance the services you rely on
  • monitor our progress.


Connected Community Strategy 2023-2033(PDF, 2MB)