Equal and Safe Strategy 2019

Violence against women and family violence is a significant community safety and health issue in the City of Whittlesea and one that we have a long-standing commitment to addressing.

This page includes the Equal and Safe Strategy 2019 as well as information regarding a related project undertaken from 2018-2020, 'Gender Equity in Employment in Melbourne’s Outer Growth Suburbs'.

The integrated Equal and Safe Strategy will continue to build the recognition and understanding across the organisation and community that gender inequality is the driver of violence against women and will shape our work in improving gender equality.

Download our Equal and Safe Strategy

Equal and Safe Strategy 2019(PDF, 932KB)

Gender Equity in Employment in Melbourne’s Outer Growth Suburbs

About the project

Coinciding with our strategy, further work was undertaken between 2018 - 2020 when we received funding from the Free From Violence Local Government Preventing Violence Against Women Grants for the Gender Equity in Employment Project.

Over the course of the project, we:

  • held focus groups and interviews with local women
  • developed a short film highlighting these stories
  • analysed employment data
  • mapped gendered employment patterns. 

We also held an event to workshop ideas for action and develop recommendations to explore levers local government might have to improve women’s access to local employment that matches their skills.

We've made this research available to other growth area councils and various stakeholders in the hope that together we can advance gender equality in local employment for women.

Research findings

Our research and consultations with local women and men reveals that women in these areas tend to trade their careers and financial independence for lower skilled jobs closer to home, in order to be available to undertake caring duties.

In contrast, men tend to trade their role as a parent and time with their families for long commutes and working hours to maintain their careers.

We explored the ways local government and partners can improve the gender equity in local employment for women living in growth communities, to challenge the gendered roles of work and care as a primary prevention of violence against women strategy.

Research presentation

Watch the research presentation given by our Community Safety Planner, Elizabeth Carroll at the Work and Life forum.

Local experiences

As part of the project we interviewed local women about their experiences of gender equity in employment.


Laura's story


Work and Life Forum

The Work and Life Forum was held as part of the Gender Equity in Employment project.

View highlights from the forum

How do we build gender equity in outer growth suburbs – Jeanette Pope

Mapping gendered employment outcomes – Alison Holloway SGS


View the interactive data dashboard

Social trends driving gender inequality – Prof. Barbara Pocock