Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy 2023-2033

The Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy 2023-2033 outlines the City of Whittlesea’s approach to creating and maintaining liveable neighbourhoods that are attractive and well-planned with open spaces and town centres that are convenient and vibrant places for all.

Our strategic direction

The Strategy outlines how Council will work towards creating neighbourhoods over the next 10 years. A review will be conducted after five years and a two-year Liveable Neighbourhoods Action Plan will be developed to set out Council’s commitments to deliver on the Strategy.

The Strategy aligns and contributes to the Liveable Neighbourhoods key directions in Council’s vision Whittlesea 2040: A place for all:

Key direction 1: Smart, connected transport network

  • Improved connectivity of the road network.
  • Increased patronage of public transport.
  • Improved access to public transport within walking distance of home.
  • Increased use of walking and cycling paths.

Key direction 2: Well-designed neighbourhoods and vibrant town centres

  • Improved sense of connection to place.
  • Increased satisfaction with the appearance and function of public spaces and infrastructure.
  • Increased length of stay at public spaces and activity centres.
  • Increased usage of community facilities.
  • Improved planning and design of infrastructure.
  • Improved accessibility and walkability of public spaces.
  • Increased planning and design of public spaces.
  • Increased recognition, celebration and connection to Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Key direction 3: Housing for diverse needs

  • Increased diversity of housing types.
  • Increased availability of affordable and accessible housing.
  • Increased provision of higher density housing in appropriate locations.
  • Increased implementation of best practice building design.


Liveable Neighbourhoods Strategy 2023-2033(PDF, 5MB)