Thomastown Lalor Place Framework

This framework illustrates a shared community and Council vision to guide the future of Thomastown and Lalor.

It aims to identify priority opportunities for the community that can shape local places and form connections to deliver a network of improvements over time.

The project is an ongoing collaborative approach to improve:

  • streets
  • public spaces
  • community precincts
  • infrastructure
  • built form
  • transport.

The implementation of the framework will be subject to further detailed design, funding availability, and consultation with stakeholders and the community.

What the framework will support and deliver

The framework is designed to support and deliver concepts and strategic directions from the following:

Whittlesea 2040
Visit Whittlesea 2040 for more details.

Place based approach
Visit the Victorian Government website for information on place based approaches.

Plan Melbourne
The Victorian Department of Transport and Planning website explains all about Plan Melbourne.

20-minute neighbourhoods
Find out about 20-minute neighbourhoods on the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning website.

Placemaking refers to the process of designing and building environments that make places better for residents and visitors.

View our framework