How to apply for a job with us


Preparing a strong application

If you've found a role at the City of Whittlesea that suits your skills, knowledge and experience, the next thing to do is to apply.

Most applications for Council roles require a Key Selection Criteria statement, cover letter and résumé. And if you write a compelling application, you might then be asked in for an interview.

Taking time to put together a strong application and prepare for an interview helps us to get a clear picture of your capabilities, personality and suitability for the role.

Addressing Key Selection Criteria and Core Capabilities

If you find a Council job you're interested in, you’ll usually be asked to respond to Key Selection Criteria or Core Capabilities as part of your application.

Key Selection Criteria and Core Capabilities are usually outlined in the advertisement, or in the position description linked to the job advertisement.

About key selection criteria

Key selection criteria outline the most important knowledge, skills, behaviours and experience needed to do the job.

The criteria may include technical knowledge and experience, as well as soft skills, and tend to be specific to the role’s specialisation and industry.

About core capabilities

The core capabilities outlined in the position description are the most important capabilities and general skillsets required to succeed in the position, selected from the City of Whittlesea Capability Framework(PDF, 8MB)

The capabilities describe broad attributes and skills that may apply across many specialisations and industries.

Addressing key selection criteria or core capabilities in your application

Some positions require you to address specific key selection criteria or core capabilities in your application. These will be specified in the position advertisement or a position description.

  • On a page separate to your resume, add a heading that reads something like: 'Summary addressing key selection criteria' or 'Summary addressing core capabilities'.
  • Address each criterion individually, using each as a separate heading in the document.
  • For each criterion or capability, write short statements explaining how you meet the criteria, or how you demonstrate the capability.
  • Use examples to show how your skills, qualifications, experience and personal qualities are relevant for that particular criteria or capability.

Using examples: Context-Action-Result

When trying to show how you meet the criteria or capabilities, you can support your claim with examples from your experience.

The Context-Action-Result approach can be helpful to structure your examples:

  • Context: What was the situation you found yourself in; where and when did it take place?
  • Action: What did you do in response to the situation and how did you go about it?
  • Result: What was the result of your actions?

Examples can come from all sorts of situations, including previous jobs, experience gained outside of work, or from formal study.

Keep your examples brief

Try to keep your responses brief but impactful, aiming for one to two paragraphs per criteria or capability.

Your responses will give us rich and relevant information to inform our decision-making for the role.

Download the Capability Framework

City of Whittlesea Capability Framework(PDF, 8MB)  

Writing a cover letter

As part of your application you’ll be expected to write a cover letter.

The cover letter is important, as it provides a snapshot of what you have to offer. It should be about one page long and summarise your key competencies for the job you have applied for.

The following tips will help you write an effective cover letter.

Know the position you're applying for

It's important that you study the requirements of the position, using the position description as a guide, before you start writing.

Once you understand what is expected in the role, write down the most important items and examples from your past experience that support them.

Demonstrate how your background, education, work experience and abilities make you the ideal candidate for the position. Try to be specific in your cover letter.

Include relevant content

In addition to maintaining a clear writing style, it's important that you include all relevant content.

Your cover letter should address the reasons you're interested in the position and reasons why we should hire you.

Research our organisation

Understanding what we do is important to demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Do some research to find out about our objectives and functions and how the position fits within the City of Whittlesea organisation.

A good starting point is our website and News section.

Structure your letter

Your letter should be structured in a logical manner.

1. Introduction

Introduce yourself, the position you're applying for, and describe what interests you about the role. In a sentence or two, explain why you are the best candidate for the job (referring to your skills, education, knowledge or experience).

2. Body

In the body of your letter, demonstrate the suitability of your background to the experience and skill requirements of the position. You should identify your strengths and accomplishments. There is no need to repeat your résumé, just highlight key points, and provide some supporting evidence.

3. Conclusion

Your closing should be brief. Ensure that you thank the reader for their time and consideration. It is also crucial that you provide contact details such as your address, phone number and/or email.

Pay attention to writing style, spelling, grammar and punctuation

A clear writing style will ensure your points are easily understood by the reader.

  • Try to be concise while still giving enough detail. To do this, cut out unnecessary words, avoid jargon and avoid overly complex sentences.
  • Be positive in content, tone and word choice.
  • Ensure that there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors, as these will detract from the quality of your letter. You may like to get a friend to read over your letter before you send it, to pick up errors you may have missed.

Writing a résumé

When applying for a Council job, you should provide a résumé. A résumé provide a summary of your skills, employment history, experience, knowledge and abilities relevant to the position.

If you spend time researching and demonstrating how your abilities and attitudes match the role being offered, you will have a greater chance of being shortlisted.

Your résumé should be about two to four pages long. Find more tips to effective résumés below.

Tailor your résumé

An effective résumé highlights your skills, behaviours, knowledge and experience for the vacant position.

Ensure you have a thorough understanding of the position description, and tailor your résumé to show why you’re the most suitable applicant for the role.

Focus on structure and layout

Competition for council jobs is tough, so your application needs to stand out. A good résumé is well structured, neatly formatted and flows logically.

You should try to make your résumé easy to read through the use of point form and headings for each section. Your résumé should include:

  • name
  • address
  • contact details: phone number(s), email
  • employment history: start with your most recent job and work backwards
  • education: provide a brief summary. Please ensure that you are able to produce documentary evidence of any formal qualifications required for the job
  • training: list any additional training not covered in education
  • personal achievements
  • extra-curricular activities and community involvement
  • hobbies
  • referees: contact details of two to three referees who can support your claims in relation to the position. At least two should be professional referees and at least one a character referee. Previous supervisors or managers are preferred for your professional referees.

Provide evidence

The best résumés demonstrate skills and competencies with evidence. When making a statement, consider the following questions:

  • What value did you bring to the workplace or activity?
  • How did your actions contribute to the goals of the organisation?
  • What part, however small, did you play in: cutting costs, increasing revenue, improving quality, saving time, using technology and/or motivating others?
  •  What were the business outcomes?

Providing strong examples will help support your application.

Talk about your achievements

Rather than simply listing job duties in your employment history, try to demonstrate your achievements, what you have learned or the commitment level involved.

By quantifying your achievements, we will get a clearer picture of what you did to develop the skills and qualities we are looking for.

Preparing for a job interview

If your application is shortlisted, you may be asked to attend an interview.

The interview is a crucial part of the recruitment process.  It's an opportunity to further demonstrate your suitability for the role and give a more detailed picture of your capabilities and personality. Following are some tips to having a successful interview.

Create a good impression

It is important to make a good impression, as first impressions last.

You should dress according to the standards of the workplace. You should wear corporate business attire; however, if it's an outdoor position, neat casual clothing is suitable.

At the interview, try to relax and act naturally. Maintain good eye contact with the selection panel and convey your interest by answering questions in a positive manner.

Be thorough

Your application and interview may be the only opportunities you get to promote yourself. You need to communicate effectively why you’re the best person for the job.

Make sure you've done your research and have examples of your work ready to share, as they will demonstrate your knowledge, skills and thought processes.

Consider questions carefully

Most of the interview will be about the Key Selection Criteria, so you should focus on these during your preparation.

When asked a question, take the time to think about your response. Answer questions honestly and directly, and stick to the point. A detailed yet clear response could be what distinguishes you from other candidates.

If you’re not sure about the question, simply ask the interviewer to repeat or rephrase it.

Engage in conversation

The interview panel would like to know more about you, so treat the interview as a two-way discussion.

Think of it as a conversation between people, rather than a test.

Working with us: frequently asked questions 

Knowing what we're looking for in our staff can be helpful when you're applying for a job. The following FAQs may help you prepare for your interview. 

What kind of people are you looking for?

  • We're looking for employees who are friendly, enthusiastic, self-motivated, conscientious and results-driven.
  • We seek staff who can think creatively, be innovative, and enjoy working collaboratively as part of a team.
  • We want staff who understand the complexities of a large organisation and who are committed to quality service provision.
  • We also want people who strive for excellence, pay attention to detail and have the ability to adapt to change.
  • We need professionals who are good communicators, and who enjoy challenging and diverse work.
  • We are also looking for people who reflect and support our staff values.

What are the typical working hours?

Council's office hours are from 8:30 am until 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

Full-time indoor employees are generally expected to work the hours above, with the possibility of one rostered day off every four weeks.

Full-time outdoor employees are generally expected to work 7:30 am until 4 pm, Monday to Friday, with one rostered day off each fortnight.

What is the dress code?

The dress code depends on your area of employment. Generally, the following applies:

  • indoor employees are expected to wear smart business attire
  • customer service staff can choose to wear business attire or the corporate uniform
  • outdoor employees will be issued with a uniform.

What If I gained my qualifications overseas?

Overseas Qualifications Units or their equivalents assess qualifications awarded by overseas educational institutions.

When applying for a position at the City of Whittlesea, we encourage you to:

  • have had your overseas qualifications assessed by an Overseas Qualifications Unit.
  • include details of your overseas qualifications assessment in your application.