Work experience


Get some real-world experience

Having some workplace experience can make all the difference when applying for jobs. We offer a range of programs to provide real-world experience for students and jobseekers, to help them build workplace skills.

  • Our work experience program offers students opportunities to get practical skills in the workplace.
  • For adults facing barriers to employment, we offer our Work Ready and Inclusive Employment programs.

Work experience: Year 10 students

Contact us to enquire about work experience opportunities for secondary students at the City of Whittlesea.

Work experience eligibility and conditions

  • Applicants must be at least 15 years old and in Year 10 at the time the application is lodged.
  • Placements are for a maximum of two weeks.
  • Year 10 work experience students will be reimbursed $10 per day.
  • Dress requirements apply during placements. Clothes should be safe, neat and tidy, and suitable for the particular work environment.
  • Information obtained while undertaking work experience is deemed confidential and must not be divulged to any other party.
  • We try to accommodate all requests but places are limited so please give at least 6-weeks notice prior to the required dates.
  • The likelihood of a placement is increased if sufficient notice is given, as it allows us to seek and plan for a placement.

Note: Our work experience program is currently on hold and we are unable to accept applications. We expect to have the program up and running again soon.

Work experience: university and higher education students

Work experience gives students an opportunity to apply and enhance their knowledge and technical skills in a workplace setting.

Work experience placements are available in a variety of council work areas, giving applicants plenty of scope to apply themselves within a diverse organisation.

Our placements expose students to a variety of tasks and projects that may be relevant to their field or desired field of study. Students also receive insights into how business and industry operate and relate to other organisational functions.

Work experience eligibility and conditions

  • Applicants must be a student at an educational institution at the time the work experience application is lodged.
  • Placements are only available to students from approved educational institutions.
  • Personal injury insurance for the student must be covered by the relevant education institution or program.
  • Work experience students will be reimbursed $20 per day.
  • Dress requirements apply during placements. Clothes should be safe, neat and tidy, and suitable for the particular work environment.
  • Information obtained whilst undertaking work experience is deemed confidential and must not be divulged to any other party.
  • We try to accommodate all requests, but places are limited so please give at least 6-weeks notice prior to the required dates.
  • The likelihood of a placement is increased if sufficient notice is given, as it allows us time to seek and plan for a placement.

Note: Our work experience program is currently on hold and we are unable to accept applications. We expect to have the program up and running again soon.

Inclusive Employment Program

We're developed our Inclusive Employment Program to provide short-term work placements for local residents who face barriers to gaining meaningful employment.

The program is open to people living in the City of Whittlesea who face barriers to gaining suitable and meaningful employment, and who are a member of one or more of the following community groups:

  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • First Nations people
  • people living with a disability
  • older people unable to find suitable employment
  • people who may be experiencing hardship.

Program conditions

  • The position is available for six months only.
  • Positions are open to residents of the City of Whittlesea.
  • Employment at the City of Whittlesea is conditional upon having the right to work in Australia. Evidence of valid working rights will be required.
  • Information obtained while undertaking the Inclusive Employment Program is deemed confidential and must not be divulged to any other party.

Work Ready Program for migrants and refugees

Our Work Ready Program supports newly-arrived, non-student migrants and refugees who are currently living within the City of Whittlesea municipality to become ready for the workforce.

It's a 12-week placement (2-days per week, 6 hours per day) for a total of 144 hours which enables participants to gain experience and knowledge of the Australian workplace culture.

The Work Ready Program creates meaningful work experience placements to overcome the employment challenges and lack of Australian work experience faced by immigrants and refugees.

The program can help to build participants’ skills, networks and confidence so they can go on to pursue and secure a job in the community.

Eligibility for placement

To be eligible to apply for a Work Ready placement, applicants must:

  • be a new arrival to Australia
  • be fully-qualified in their field
  • live within the City of Whittlesea
  • have a relevant working in Australia Visa or permit
  • be able to speak a moderate level of English.

Request a Work Ready placement