Go plastic free this July

Published on 26 June 2024

Plastic Free July graphic

The City of Whittlesea is excited to support Plastic Free July as an opportunity to reduce plastic use in our community. There are so many ways you can practice going plastic free this month.  

How to get involved in five easy steps:  

  1. Register for the free challenge. Participants receive weekly tips to help them you stay motivated, and enjoy stories from others around the world who are reducing plastic waste 
  2. Take the Pesky Plastics Quiz to find what plastics you can change 
  3. Watch the one-minute animation to get started or browse these popular ideas to reduce use
  4. Download some posters and to share at work or the local cafe 
  5. Read inspiring stories of what others do 

The City of Whittlesea is hosting a DIY Scrub and Deodorant Workshop on Wednesday 10 July. You’ll use ingredients that are easy-to-find at home, put them together and go home with a 100% natural deodorant you'll love. You'll also learn how to make a coffee scrub to pamper yourself this winter. Sign up for this free event on the events page. 

There will also be a Boomerang Bags Sew-cial, on Saturday 20 July, where you can meet teams from all over Australia, get the latest hacks and trends and trade bags. You can view more information on this event on the events page.

How will you go plastic free this month? 

At home:  

  • Choose wooden or metal pegs over plastic ones  

  • Choose plastic free cleaning products as well as homemade alternatives  

  • Look into choosing natural fibres when shopping for new clothes.  

At shops:  

  • Use reusable produce bags at the supermarket rather than plastic bags 

  • Use a reusable keep cup for your takeaway coffee 

  • Take your own container when shopping at the local deli or butcher, to avoid pre- packaged meat or dairy products. 

In the workplace:  

  • Use containers to bring food in instead of wrapping in plastic wrap 

  • Use reusable cups and cutlery at work events that can be washed in the dishwasher 

  • Keep a keep cup in your drawer when going out for a takeaway coffee.  

For more information and free resources, head to PlasticFreeJuly.org to get inspiration and support, and to share your tips, ideas and experiences. 


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