Have your say on plans for new dog parks

Published on 05 August 2024


Dog owners have a chance to influence the designs of two off-leash dog parks to ensure they meet the needs of their precious pooches.

The City of Whittlesea is building a brand-new off-leash dog park at Allumba Park in Wollert to cater for the suburb’s growing pet population.

Council is also planning to upgrade the off-leash dog park at Whittlesea Public Gardens in Lalor to make it a more pleasant place for owners to take their dogs.

The two projects are made possible through $500,000 and $340,000 grants respectively from the Victorian Government’s New and Upgraded Dog Parks Program.

The new facility at Allumba Park will have a fully fenced off-leash dog area with a quiet dog zone, shelters, lighting, drinking fountains, park furniture and garden beds.

The Whittlesea Public Gardens’ existing dog park will be upgraded with new fencing, a quiet dog zone, improved surfaces, upgraded furniture and a new shelter.

Community consultation on both projects will run until Monday, 12 August, with residents able to have their say on key aspects of the design either online or in-person.

City of Whittlesea Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson said she was pleased that Council had been successful in its funding applications for the two projects.

“Pets play such an important role in our lives and we are pleased we are able to create and upgrade these shared spaces for our community and their dogs,” she said.

Residents wishing to view and share their thoughts on the proposed concept plans for each park can go to Council’s Engage website.

Alternatively, Council staff will be holding a community pop-up session at Whittlesea Public Gardens on Saturday, 10 August 2024 from 9am to 11am.

For more information, contact Council’s customer service team on 03 9217 2170.

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