Let's Talk with Council Event - October 2023

Published on 12 October 2023

Residents are invited to drop in and chat with Council while enjoying a free coffee, a sausage sizzle and exciting dance performances, ahead of the Council Meeting on Tuesday night 17 October.

Council is holding its regular monthly meeting at the Galada Community Centre in Forum Way Epping at 7.30pm.

Residents are invited to drop in and chat and enjoy the food and entertainment before the meeting, from 6.15pm.

The 17 October Scheduled Council Meeting will follow at 7.30pm where Council will consider a range of matters including stage 2 of the Whittlesea Public Gardens upgrade, and Ziebell’s Farmhouse.

Visit www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au to view the Council Meeting agenda. The meeting will also be live streamed on Council’s YouTube channel from 7.30pm.

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