Plan to unlock Epping Central’s full potential

Published on 28 June 2023

Epping Central

The City of Whittlesea has adopted a plan to accelerate investment in one of the municipality’s most strategically important activity centres. 

The Epping Central Structure Plan provides decision-makers with a framework to guide new development and future improvements to services, infrastructure and facilities. 

Designated a Metropolitan Activity Centre by the State Government, Epping Central is a key location for health, education, commerce, housing and transport investment. 

The new plan, which updates the previous Epping Central Structure Plan adopted in 2011, is designed to align with Council’s Whittlesea 2040: A Place for All vision. 

The Epping Central Structure Plan is based around five core themes: 

  • Urban living 
  • Movement and transport 
  • Employment and investment 
  • Community facilities and services 
  • Public realm, design and natural environment 

In considering urban living requirements, the plan provides for increased diversity in all housing types, including affordable housing, to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. 

It also promotes reducing Epping Central’s reliance on cars by prioritising sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport. 

To stimulate jobs growth, the plan supports the diversification of business opportunities and encourages further investment in hospitality, entertainment, retail and office development. 

The plan also places an emphasis on the provision of high quality and easily accessible health, education, cultural and recreational services. 

Finally, the plan focuses on improving the quality of Epping Central’s public spaces through open space design, wayfinding and pedestrian connectivity. 

Administrator Christian Zahra AM said the plan will help Epping Central's continued evolution into the “economic heart” of Melbourne’s north. 

“Epping Central is critically important to the City of Whittlesea’s economy and this plan provides a clear blueprint for promoting growth in a considered and sustainable way,” he said.  

"We want Epping Central to be an attractive destination not just for investors but families, too.” 

The plan was developed after an extensive consultation process, which more recently included a six-week public consultation process conducted in late 2022 that yielded 264 contributions and seven submissions from community members and stakeholders. 

To view the adopted Epping Central Structure Plan, go to Council's Epping Central webpage.

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