Policies to support good governance

Published on 28 September 2023

A Public Transparency Policy designed to guide our community on the Council information that is publicly available has been endorsed by Council. 

At the 19 September Council Meeting, Council also endorsed an update to its Governance Rules and an updated Community Engagement Policy to be released for public consultation. 

Chair Administrator Lydia Wilson said developing policy which is best practice is integral to supporting responsible, good governance which in turn ensures decisions deliver high quality outcomes for the City of Whittlesea community. 

“The Whittlesea Council is committed to ensuring that the decisions we make are open and transparent to our community and that our actions are in the best interest of our community,” she said. 

“These policies and rules guide us to ensure we can continue to build trust with our community.” 

Lydia thanked those who had read the Public Transparency Policy and Governance rules and encouraged residents to provide feedback on the updated draft Community Engagement Policy. 

“Not only is community engagement required under the Local Government Act; it also fosters a sense of civic participation and community connection whereby opinions are sought, valued and considered to shape the future of the City,” she said. 

“Council is committed to ensuring the voices of our community are heard and considered in our decision-making and this policy provides the framework to support inclusive and effective community engagement practices. 

You can view the endorsed Public Transparency Policy and Governance Rules and have your say on the Community Engagement Policy at engage.whittlesea.vic.gov.au. Consultation closes on 29 October 2023.

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