Road and transport plan to unlock congestion
Published on 16 June 2023
The City of Whittlesea has developed a Road and Public Transport Plan that highlights the significant transport investments needed to tackle the increasing congestion on local roads.
The plan outlines the urgently needed roads, intersection improvements, public transport, cycling and walking priorities.
Cr Kirkham said Council would use the plan to guide its efforts in lobbying the state and federal government for funding to fix local transport problems.
“Anyone who travels throughout the City of Whittlesea would know just how much the road and public transport networks are not coping,” Cr Kirkham said.
“Traffic congestion isn’t just annoying, it is costing us all. It makes families stressed and time poor, has a detrimental impact on people’s health and is costly for local businesses.”
Community concern about traffic congestion has increased significantly over the last two years. Council’s 2016 Annual Household Survey rated traffic management as the highest area of community concern at 39 per cent, an increase of 10 per cent from the previous year.
Cr Kirkham said while recent Victorian Government commitments to the Mernda Rail Extension, O’Herns Road Interchange, Plenty Road and Yan Yean Road widening went some way to improving the City’s transport network, substantially more investment was required.
“Major road projects such as the extension and the duplications of Epping Road and Bridge Inn Road and the extension of Edgars Road are urgent priorities,” he said.
“Intersection upgrades are also important and our priority projects are Plenty Road and Bridge Inn Road, Findon, Epping and O’Herns Road and Findon Road, Ferres Boulevard and the Lakes Boulevard.”
Priority improvements to the City’s public transport included the development of the Wollert rail corridor, the expansion of bus services in growth areas and the extension of Tram Route 86 to Plenty Valley Town Centre.
Find out more online or call 9217 2170 to request a copy of the plan.