Share your priorities for our city
Published on 27 August 2024
The City of Whittlesea is keen to hear what is most important to the community to help inform the 2025-29 Budget and a number of other key strategic documents.
Council’s annual budget outlines the investment in the delivery of essential services and key infrastructure needed to support the growing community. The budget needs to balance the delivery of ongoing services, programs and infrastructure and facilities, while also making sure that Council is financially sustainable for the future.
Council is looking to hear from our community about the priority areas they think funding should be directed towards and what services and assets you value most now and for the future.
Feedback provided will inform the development of the Budget 2025-29, Community Plan 2026-29, Asset Plan 2026-35, Financial Plan 2026-35, Road Management Plan 2026-29 and Revenue and Rating Plan 2026-29.
You can have your say online or at one of the many community pop-ups across the municipality. Consultation is open until 2 September. To provide your feedback or view the locations of the in-person pop ups visit our Engage website.
Council is also looking for local residents to join a series of focus groups to provide in-depth feedback and insights into these documents. Residents are invited to consider taking part in these important focus groups, which will be held at a later date.
To submit an expression of interest for the focus groups, visit the Community Priorities page on Engage website.