Business e-news

If you're a local business owner or entrepreneur, it's important to be across the latest news and resources.

That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to keep up with business news both locally and nationally.

Our monthly e-newsletter brings you tailored, valuable information to help your business thrive right here in our community.

Ready to stay ahead of the curve?

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter and get everything you need delivered right to your inbox.

Subscribe to Business e-news today

Why subscribe?

Our newsletter is packed with essential updates and opportunities that can save you time and boost your business know-how.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Government updates: Stay informed with the latest news from local, state, and federal levels.
  • Upcoming events: Be the first to know about business events.
  • Council initiatives: Learn about programs and initiatives.
  • Education and training: Find opportunities to grow your skills and business.
  • Support services: Find out about services that can help your business succeed.
  • Grants and incentives: Apply for grants and incentives.
  • Local business profiles: Read about other local businesses, their challenges and their successes.