New soft plastics recycling trial

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Soft plastics recycling is now available in a new trial program.

Residents can drop off soft plastics into designated bins at the Wollert Landfill Transfer Station.

You can recycle soft plastics including plastic bags, bread bags, pasta and ice packets, vegetable produce bags and more.

If the plastic can be scrunched into a ball, it’s likely acceptable for recycling through this service. Cling wrap/glad wrap is made from a different type of plastic and cannot be recycled through this service.

The soft plastics collected through this program will be transformed into oil for new plastic products. This process not only helps divert waste from landfill but also supports the creation of a circular economy, where materials are reused and repurposed.

The soft plastics recycling trial is an action from our Rethinking Waste Plan 2021–2030, which outlines our goal to become a low waste city.