May Road Lalor CCTV Project


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been installed in the May Road, Lalor shopping precinct.

Frequently asked questions

Why is the City of Whittlesea installing CCTV?

Along with other crime prevention strategies, CCTV is used to discourage and/or detect unlawful behaviour in and around a specific area.

CCTV cameras have been installed in the May Road, Lalor shopping precinct to help traders and shoppers feel safer and deter crime in the area.

Why May Road, Lalor?

We undertook analysis and mapping of crime and safety data at three locations of high community use/activity.

May Road Shopping Precinct in Lalor was identified as the priority location due to higher than average offences and negative community perceptions of safety.

How many cameras are there and where are they located?

We installed 17 cameras in the May Road, Lalor shopping precinct between David Street and Messmate Street.

This includes:

  • 2 cameras located in Peter Lalor Walk
  • 2 cameras located within the car park on the corner of May Road and Cyprus Street.

Signs indicating a CCTV system is in operation are displayed in prominent positions.

Who will be able to view/access the footage?

Access to footage is limited to authorised users.

Footage can only be accessed on request by:

  • a legal representative/s acting on behalf of individuals engaged in legal proceedings
  • an authorised Police member in relation to an offence or suspected offence
  • an external enforcement agency where an exemption under the Information Privacy Act 2000 applies
  • a Court Order via subpoena.

For more information refer to the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Procedures below.

The CCTV is not actively monitored.

What was the cost of this project?

This project was a joint initiative funded by:

  • a grant of $200,000 made by the Department of Justice and Regulation
  • a contribution of $50,000 by the City of Whittlesea.

Download our CCTV policies

CCTV Policy(PDF, 197KB)

CCTV Policy - accessible(DOCX, 171KB)

May Road Lalor Community Safety Camera Code of Practice(PDF, 780KB)

Contact details


May Road, Lalor   View Map

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