Mill Park Stadium upgrade
Refurbishment success
Mill Park Stadium has undergone a significant refurbishment in a bid to make the facility more appealing and inclusive for users. The $3 million redevelopment will ensure the Mill Park Stadium meets the needs of sports-loving residents for years to come.
Project details
- The upgraded stadium was officially opened in October 2022 by Member for Mill Park Lily D'Ambrosio.
- The stadium is home to the Whittlesea Basketball Association which has more than 4,400 members, including about 2,800 junior members.
- The stadium's redevelopment was identified in the Whittlesea Netball and Basketball Plan 2019-2041 as essential in order to keep pace with rising participation rates.
Key features
- Construction of new female-friendly change rooms.
- Addition of accessible public toilets, shower and change facilities.
- Updated kitchen and canteen.
- Front reception area improvements
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system upgrades.
Project cost
The stadium upgrade cost approximately $3 million. The City of Whittlesea contributed $2 million, and the Victorian Government contributed $1 million from its Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program.
Contact details
Redleap Ave, 3082 View Map
Redleap Ave ,
Mill Park Stadium upgrade
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