We recognise the rich habitat of the Quarry Hills Parkland.
Currently 430 hectares of Quarry Hills Parkland is open space and under Council management.
The implementation of the major community park will invite people to access this small eight-hectare section of the site in a safe and controlled way. We anticipate this will limit illegal activity and damage to wildlife habitat.
Other ways the environment and wildlife will be protected are:
- the park and play space are proposed to be located at the front of the site, meaning vehicles are not required to drive far into the parklands for parking.
- the water bodies will be upgraded into a high-quality wetland, providing further habitat for flora and fauna.
- the path and trail network will direct users through the site, away from areas of conservation and rehabilitation.
- interpretative signage will be located along trails to educate the community on the ecological value of the area.
Currently 430 hectares of Quarry Hills Regional Parklands is public open space and under council management. While Granite Hills Park is constructed, additional public open space will become council-owned.
This land will be rehabilitated and managed as conservation areas, allowing the ongoing and increased habitat for local wildlife.
Eventually Quarry Hills Parkland will include 1100 hectares, which will provide significant space and habitat for local wildlife.