Peter Hopper Lake revitalisation

Peter Hopper, the former long-serving shire engineer who the lake is named after, checks in on the project’s progress.

Improvements for Peter Hopper Lake 

Peter Hopper Lake is one of the City of Whittlesea's largest waterbodies and attracts visitors from the local community and beyond. Built in the mid-1970s, it is situated within Redleap Recreation Reserve in Mill Park.

In recent years, the lake has experienced numerous algae outbreaks and water quality issues. While various treatments have had some success in restoring water quality, the effects have not been long-lasting and further work is required to improve the long-term health of the lake.

Council’s expert engineers and environmental scientists have worked with specialist consultants on a plan to end the cycle of algae blooms and return the lake to good health.

Project progress

Stage two: January 2025 to late 2025

The second stage of the revitalisation project commenced in January 2025.

Under the supervision of a qualified ecologist, we have begun the process of lowering the lake’s water level to allow for the next phase of works.

This includes removal of the jetties and central island, construction of a new pollutant trap, sediment basin, raingarden and floating nesting platform, and installation of pumps to recirculate the water. 


Stage one: February 2024 to June 2024

The project’s first stage started in February 2024 and concluded in June 2024. It involved dredging the lake to remove silt and other pollutants that had built up on the lakebed over decades. Approximately 3000 cubic metres of sediment was removed from the lakebed during this process.

This approach to removing the pollutants had the benefit of maintaining the amenity of the lake, reducing potential noise and odour issues and reducing the impact on flora and fauna.

Improving water quality

Several factors have contributed to the lake's poor water quality. The upgrade will address these issues to ensure the lake remains a place for the community and wildlife to enjoy for years to come.


Peter Hopper Lake has accumulated large quantities of silt from stormwater run-off that feeds into the lake.

Silts bind all sorts of contaminants as they wash off the catchment, including phosphorus which impacts the lake's water quality through over-nutrification, leading to algae blooms and low oxygen levels in the water.

We will remove all silt from the bottom of the lake and install a gross pollutant trap upstream to catch coarse organic debris.

A sediment pond will be built at the lake's inlet to capture finer silts before they enter the lake. These will protect the lake from ongoing natural contamination in the future.

Water quantity

The lake's catchment does not currently supply enough water for the lake to refresh itself regularly.

We'll be increasing the lake's inflow of water and upgrading the lake's overflow capacity in order to achieve more water turnover.

Water circulation

Peter Hopper Lake is a large waterbody and movement of water is dependent on stormwater flowing in and out of the lake.

This means that between rain events, water does not move around as much.

To help move the water regularly and avoid stagnation, we'll be installing a pump system at the lake.


Nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, occur naturally but much of the nutrients in our waterways come from human activities such as fertilisers or from animal droppings.

When there is an excess of nutrients in the water, it can lead to algae blooms.

To continuously filter out excess nutrients, we're constructing a specifically designed raingarden in the northern part of Redleap Reserve.

Lake water will be pumped to the raingarden and be filtered through a sandy soil and nutrient-hungry vegetation before making its way back to the lake.

Community consultation

We received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the revitalisation proposal during the public consultation period between March and June 2023.

The feedback was received through our online Engage page, our on-site pop-ups, and consultation with the Friends of Peter Hopper Lake Group. The main themes can be summarised as follows: 

Proposed infrastructure

The proposal to retrofit the lake with water-quality-improving infrastructure resonated well with the community.

We received ideas on these additional assets which the project delivery team will consider in the finalisation of the design. This includes:

  • an optimised location for the bioretention (raingarden) system to have less impact on current park use
  • infrastructure features which are safe for wildlife
  • possible retention of the lake island infrastructure installations.

A variation to the lake redesign will be published and shared with the community once available.

More information on raingardens is available on Melbourne Water's website.


As part of the design phase, we have engaged ecology experts who will inform the management of all species identified on-site before, during and after construction.

A Wildlife Management Plan will be prepared for this purpose which will also inform about the adequate handling of pest species like the European carp and the management of the unsustainable population of white ibis on the island.

During the second stage of works, a qualified ecologist/zoologist will monitor the works to ensure there is no harm or distress among wildlife.

We have received a number of habitat creation ideas from the community, of which a vast majority will be considered in the final design of the works.

We will be exploring terrestrial, floating, and underwater habitats, and their safe and successful implementation will be guided by specialist ecological advice.


We have received a large spectrum of ideas on how to improve and add to the aesthetics of the lake.

In working through the detailed design, we are currently exploring opportunities to utilise both existing and future infrastructure to provide for purposeful engagement with the lake that is safe for both animals and visitors.

This will include viewing platforms and resting opportunities in appropriate locations, as well as small fountains that will add a playful feature while drawing in oxygen from the air which is a healthy addition to the lake.

The strong landscaping expertise the design team brings to this project will ensure that the lake retains its beautiful natural look.


Safety in design, construction and future operations will be at the heart of the revitalisation of Peter Hopper Lake.

We will use the opportunity to overhaul the lake's educational signage to promote good visitor behaviour and discourage bad behaviour.

With the lake acting predominantly as wildlife habitat, we are committed to reinstating the asset to be a home for fauna and flora that visitors can engage with in a safe and respectful manner, and that all age groups will be able to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has caused the poor water quality?

Water quality varies at different times of the year and seasonal temperature fluctations play a role. Particularly in summer, warmer temperatures combine with low oxygen levels and high nutrient levels, leading to algae blooms.

Pollutants such as chemicals, animal droppings and other debris can also be washed into lakes through stormwater run-off, contributing to a decline in water quality.

Peter Hopper Lake is large and requires substantial rainfall to be able to refresh the water often. If this doesn’t happen, the water becomes stagnant, allowing the build up of harmful micro-organisms, insect larvae, and algae blooms.

What is being done to fix the problem?

We have been working to address the poor water quality in the lake in a number of ways.

  • Adding binding agents to remove excess phosphorus in the water.
  • Applying a specialised treatment to increase the oxygen levels in the water.
  • Installing four air dispersers to help oxygenate the water at its deepest and most stagnant locations. 

Unfortunately, these treatments haven't had long-lasting effects.

More substantial work is required to improve the long-term health of the lake.

What is planned to improve the lake long-term?

Following extensive investigations and expert recommendations, we now have a long-term plan to improve the water quality of Peter Hopper Lake. 

  • The first stage will desilt the lake using special dredging equipment to remove excess sediment and debris. One of the advantages of dredging is that the lake’s water level can be maintained, reducing the impact of odour and having little effect on wildlife.
  • The second stage of the rectification works involve draining the lake to enable the installation of a gross pollutant trap and sediment pond. These capture water and filter pollutants before they go into the lake.
  • An offline pumped raingarden will be established to further filter and treat the water.
  • A circulation pump will be installed to ensure water does not remain stagnant, which helps minimise algae formation. 

How is the project being funded?

This activity is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Urban Rivers and Catchments Program, and the City of Whittlesea.


When will the work begin and how long will it take?

The first stage of the project, to desilt the lake, began in February 2024 and finished in June 2024.

The second stage of works will commence in mid-January 2025 and is expected to continue until late 2025.

How will the work impact the lake and surrounding area?

There will be no public access to Peter Hopper Lake until the desilting has been completed and all the new infrastructure is installed. 

During the works, the lake will need to be drained to allow for the safe construction of the sediment pond and infrastructure. 

Once construction is complete, the lake will be progressively refilled, and landscaping undertaken in and around the site. 

The footpath around the lake remained open to pedestrians throughout the desilting works but will be impacted occasionally during the second stage of the project. Signs have been erected on the temporary fencing to advise pedestrians of alternative routes.

What will happen to the wildlife at the lake?

We are working closely with zoologists to manage the impacts on the various wildlife, including the White Ibis population on the central island.

A Wildlife Management Plan is being prepared to ensure that all species are cared for through safe dispersion or temporary relocation. This process is planned to take place outside of the common breeding season. 

While disturbance to wildlife is expected to be minimal during the desilting stage, a zoologist will be engaged to oversee the site and attend to any animal salvage and relocation as necessary. 

What is being done about the ibis population on the lake's island?

We will be preparing a Wildlife Management Plan for the lake and specifically address the white ibis population that nests on the central island in Peter Hopper Lake.

We will also work with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on developing a long-term, localised solution for the birds.

As of January 2025, ibis chicks at the lake have started to fledge, making it a safe time to commence works and not interrupt their main breeding season.

What should I do if I see wildlife in need of help?

If you see any sick, distressed, abandoned or dead wildlife, please do not handle the animal yourself. 

Contact the City of Whittlesea’s customer service team on 03 9217 2170 to have the animal removed safely. 

For non-urgent inquiries regarding the Peter Hopper Lake revitalisation project, please email

Are there any fish in the lake?

There are carp present in the lake that will be removed to benefit the revitalisation of Peter Hopper Lake.

Carp are an introduced species of fish and are a known major aquatic pest by the Victorian Fisheries Authority.

For more information on carp, visit the Victorian Fisheries Authority website.

What else can I do?

While works are in progress, we will continue to manage the conditions of the lake using the methods we have been using to date, which includes algaecides to suppress blue-green algae growth. 

The lake will remain open for the most part during the desilting stage. However, we ask that visitors: 

  • avoid contact with the lake water
  • keep dogs on a leash 
  • not handle birds or other wildlife
  • not feed the birds as this can attract further wildlife to the site
  • not fish in the lake
  • not leave rubbish behind.

Contact details


Redleap Ave, Mill Park 3082  View Map

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