Lalor Recreation Reserve Master Plan

The master plan

The Lalor Recreation Reserve Master Plan 2024 provides a 10-year vision to enhance this popular space, making it more accessible and enjoyable for everyone in our community.

The plan has been shaped by carefully studying the area and talking with the community and stakeholders.

Community engagement

We actively involved the community and stakeholders throughout the master plan process for ideas and feedback.

Key points of engagement

  • June to August 2022: we collected ideas online, at community pop-ups in the reserve and through letterbox drops.
  • 20 September to 27 October 2023: the community provided feedback on the draft master plan through various communication channels.

The findings:

  • there is a need for improvements in playgrounds and nature play areas
  • the community supports replacing the road around the oval with a pedestrian loop
  • demand for new exercise equipment
  • enhancements are needed to improve the general amenity and safety
  • upgrades needed to the sports field
  • 20% of online respondents expressed positive feedback about the draft master plan.

The vision

The vision for Lalor Recreation Reserve was created in partnership with the Council, based on the main ideas and priorities that emerged from community discussions.

Vision statement

Lalor Reserve will be a vibrant, high quality community asset for all to enjoy.

It will be a park that contributes to pride for the community, celebrating the role of formal recreational sport whilst including informal activities for local residents, community groups and visitors.

The guiding principles

To bring this vision to life, five guiding principles have been created to shape the master plan.

  1. Community: to instil a sense of pride and community ownership.
  2. Safe: to remove barriers to equal access and increase personal safety.
  3. Green: enhance biodiversity and environmental health.
  4. Place: create meaningful experiences of place.
  5. Legacy: design for the future and respect the past.

Planned upgrades

We've mapped out improvements in phases—short, medium and long-term, including:

  • upgrading play areas for kids
  • installing exercise equipment
  • enhancing walking and running paths
  • improve lighting.

These planned upgrades are designed to make Lalor Recreation Reserve a welcoming place for relaxation, play and exercise.

View the master plan

Download the master plan:

Lalor Recreation Reserve Master Plan 2024(PDF, 27MB)