Market stalls and food trucks

If you plan to hold a temporary market stall, or if you run a mobile food operation, you will need to register with us. This also applies to community groups. 

Temporary market stalls include stalls and tents selling food at:

  • fetes
  • farmers markets
  • craft markets
  • shows
  • festivals
  • other short term events.

Food trucks (mobile food premises) are vehicles such as vans, trailers or carts from which food is sold.

Regulations for temporary food and mobile food operators

Anyone running a temporary and mobile food premises such as market stalls and food trucks must obtain some level of Food Act 1984 registration to operate in Victoria. This also applies to community groups.

You will need to register with the principal council, which is where you prepare or store the food to be sold. If you do not store food, you'll need to register with the council where your business is located.

It is easy to register using the FoodTrader website. This portal automatically determines and notifies your principal council. This website also allows you to lodge Statement of Trade documents.

How to register

Step 1.Login to FoodTrader

FoodTrader is a statewide registration and notification portal for people selling food in Victoria from temporary and mobile food premises.

Go to the FoodTrader portal

Step 2.Answer questions

When you answer the questions about your food handling activities, Food Trader will determine your food safety risk classification and fees to pay.

Step 3.Choose your registration type

Register under Class 2 or 3 (we charge a fee to commercial operators) or complete a once-off notification form under Class 4 (no fee will be charged by any council)

Step 4.Submit your form

Submit your form on FoodTrader

Step 5.Submit your Statement of Trade

Submit a Statement of Trade online with FoodTrader at least five days before trading. The principal council and the councils where you are trading will automatically be notified.

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