Business initiatives to get involved with

Nurturing our local businesses

We're passionate about nurturing our local business community. Our Economic Development department continuously develop programs and opportunities to support and grow your business. Discover some of the great initiatives currently available.

Vacant to Vibrant

The Vacant to Vibrant program aims to address retail vacancy issues across the municipality by facilitating short-term commercial agreements. This is done by connecting property owners and real estate agents with local start-ups, social enterprises, artists or not-for-profit organisations.

Multiple vacant retail premises in local shopping precincts has the potential to reduce public safety and amenity. It has also been found to increase the incidence of criminal activity including tagging, bill posting, graffiti and vandalism of private property and community assets.

Retail shopping strips are a part of the fabric of local communities. They are generally operated by local people providing much needed goods, services and support to the communities they serve.

Under the Vacant to Vibrant initiative we are working with stakeholders to provide local communities with vibrant, active shopping precincts that are friendly, welcoming areas.

Watch the video to find out more


Special rate scheme

The special rate scheme aims to improve viability and drive economic development within local shopping precincts. This is done through focused marketing and promotional initiatives.

Under the scheme, every property owner within a defined geographical area is levied a special rate. This contributes to a pool of funds and a business plan to improve commercial viability through marketing and promotional activity.

The combined effect of these activities contributes to:

  • reduced vacancy rates
  • improved shopping precinct image and branding
  • better communication businesses
  • improved patronage
  • ongoing liaison with Council.

Requests for a special rate scheme are initiated by a local precinct business association. It is Council's role to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989 in relation to us declaring, levying and operating a special rate scheme.

Tourism business opportunities

The visitor economy is considered nationally in the top five sectors of economic growth. It has potential to become Australia’s fastest growing industry.

Strengthening the visitor economy is an important contributor to the City of Whittlesea’s social, cultural and economic vibrancy and prosperity.

We actively supports the visitor economy, working in partnership with key industry stakeholders, northern region councils and local businesses to further boost this priority industry.

Our clear direction for tourism development and growth within the City of Whittlesea is to increase tourism visitation, length of stay and yield.

As part of that, we produce dedicated visitor economy marketing collateral including digital and print promotions. To discuss the marketing opportunities available to visitor economy businesses, contact our tourism services officer at or call 03 9217 2170.

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