

Find out about open tenders

We regularly advertise tenders to purchase goods, services and major works. We usually advertise public tenders in the 'Local government tenders' section of the Saturday edition of The Age newspaper. You can also view tender opportunities via our eTendering portal.

Go to eTendering portal

Supplying works, goods or services to the City of Whittlesea

We invite all our suppliers to register on our procurement platform VendorPanel to make it easier for us to do business together.

We use this platform to quickly and easily find suppliers that can meet our business requirements, as well as our preference to support local businesses and those with sustainable and social credentials. We also use this platform to create our preferred supplier lists.

How to register

Registration is free. Simply visit our VendorPanel portal to set up your business profile with basic details about your business and the services and products you offer. Once you're registered, your business details will be available to all VendorPanel users, making you part of a broader supplier marketplace.

Visit the VendorPanel portal

If you need help to register, contact VendorPanel at support@vendorpanel.com.au or call 03 9095 6181.

Access and submit tenders online

You can see a list of our currently advertised tenders and tender documents online using our eTendering Portal.

All prospective tenderers must first complete a registration process. This ensures that we can notify tenderers of any changes to the tender documents during the advertising period.

You can also see a list of recent publicly tendered contracts that we have awarded.

View our recently awarded tender contracts

Guidelines for new suppliers

The City of Whittlesea is committed to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement and we expect the same high standards of our suppliers.

Download our Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct - accessible(DOCX, 308KB)

Supplier Code of Conduct(PDF, 184KB)

Tips on becoming a local government supplier

Find out more about how to successfully supply works, goods and services to local government with the Vic Councils resource: Doing business with local government.

The Municipal Association of Victoria also has helpful information to assist suppliers.

Expiry of current contracts

We can provide information on the expiry date of current contracts and the possible re-advertising timeframe for future contracted projects and services.

Contact us at info@whittlesea.vic.gov.au or call 03 9217 2170.

Procurement policy

We are committed to adopting appropriate best practice purchasing and contracting principles, policies and procedures.

Download our Procurement Policy

Procurement Policy - accessible(DOCX, 123KB)

Procurement Policy(PDF, 384KB)

Terms and conditions

Our terms and conditions of engagement are stated in requests for tender or quotation documents. These are often based on Australian Standards. For goods and services supplied under a direct purchase order, please see our standard terms of purchase.

Code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct for staff and others applies to all contractors or consultants engaged by us (including those engaged through an employment agency).

View our Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct 2023(PDF, 1MB)

Code Of Conduct 2023 - accessible(DOCX, 36KB)

Competitive neutrality

We are required to operate our business activities (such as leisure centres) as if they were in private sector ownership. For example, the prices charged must generate sufficient income to cover the costs that would apply if the business were in private ownership. This is known as competitive neutrality.

If our income does not cover these costs, we must justify this ‘subsidisation’ through a community consultation exercise. This is called a ‘public interest test’.

For information about Victoria's Competition Policy and competitive neutrality, visit the Department of Treasury and Finance website.

Complying with the Competition and Consumer Act

We have an ongoing awareness program for our staff to ensure compliance Competition and Consumer Act.

If you would like to make a complaint in relation to our compliance with the Act, email procurement@whittlesea.vic.gov.au.

For more information, visit the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) website.

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