Stormwater runoff issues

Having trouble with stormwater drainage?

We can help you understand what might be causing it and how to fix it.

Please be aware that while our drainage system handles most rainfall well, extremely heavy storms may overwhelm it, potentially leading to stormwater issues.

In an emergency where life is at risk, always call 000

Common causes of blockages

Stormwater problems can happen if things like tree roots or debris block the underground stormwater pipes on your property. They can also occur if gutters, downpipes or new installations like paving or rainwater tanks aren’t properly managed.

What you need to do

Every property owner is responsible for ensuring that each stormwater drainage pipe from their property to a council drain (in the road reserve) is properly constructed and repaired, under our General Local Laws.

This includes:

  • stormwater pipes
  • gutters
  • downpipes
  • stormpits
  • any other part running from your property to the road.

Make sure all of these parts are maintained and clear of any debris. 

Hire a qualified plumber or a drain cleaning service to check and fix any issues with your property’s drainage.

stormwater drainage diagram.jpg

What we do

We take care of the public stormwater system, making sure they are clear and working properly.

This includes:

  • drains
  • pits
  • roadside channels
  • road pipes
  • open drains.

Stormwater runoff flooding from your neighbour's property

Find out what steps to take if stormwater from your neighbour's property is causing flooding.

Flooding caused by gutter or downpipe issues

If your neighbour’s downpipes or guttering are damaged or missing, this is a civil matter. We have no legislative power to require your neighbour to maintain their downpipes or guttering.

Start by talking to your neighbour. If you can't solve it together, you can contact the Dispute Settlement Centre on 03 9603 8370 for a non-legal mediation service, or take legal action through a solicitor.

Flooding caused by new landscaping, paving or concreting

If your neighbour has recently completed landscaping or installed new paved or concreted areas, try to reach a mutually suitable solution.

If this doesn't work, you can contact the Dispute Settlement Centre on 03 9603 8370 for a non-legal mediation service, or take legal action through a solicitor.

Liability arising out of the flow of water is an offence under the Water Act Section 16.

Flooding caused by new sheds

If your neighbour has recently erected a small shed (under 10m2), this is a civil matter. Try to sort it out with your neighbour first.

If that doesn't work, you can call the Dispute Settlement Centre on 03 9603 8370 for a non-legal mediation service, or you can speak to a solicitor.

Flooding causes by building and construction issues

When a building doesn't have gutters or downpipes yet, builders must set up temporary protections to prevent water from flooding nearby properties. If they don't do this and flooding happens, you might need to take legal action.

If construction-related flooding affects your property, start by looking at the construction site sign for the builder's contact information and reach out to them.

If you don't get a response, contact the building surveyor who approved their work.

If you're still having trouble finding this information, please call our Building and Planning department on 03 9217 2170.

Flooding caused by rainwater tank issues

If flooding is happening because your neighbour didn't connect their new rainwater tank to the underground stormwater system, who to contact depends on whether their house is new or already existing:

  • New Houses: Call our Building and Planning department on 03 9217 2170 to find out who built the house.
  • Existing Houses: First, try to work things out with your neighbour. If you can't agree on a solution, you can reach out to the Dispute Settlement Centre at 03 9603 8370 for help without going to court, or you can take legal action.

Remember, liability arising out of the flow of water is an offence under the Water Act Section 16. 


Blocked drain or pit issues

If you notice a blocked drain or a broken pit lid, report this as soon as possible so we can fix it.

Report a blocked drain or broken pit lid

Dealing with sewage

The sewer system, managed by Yarra Valley Water, carries water away from your laundry, kitchen, bathroom and toilet to a main sewer. Make sure you clean and repair all private sewage drains.

For any sewage advice, call Yarra Valley Water on 132 762.

Need help? 

If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Building and Planning department.


Phone: 03 9217 2170