One of the simplest ways you can help conserve the environment is by putting your food scraps and garden waste into a compost bin or worm farm.
By composting or worm farming, you will enrich your garden, help reduce waste going to landfill and save the cost of treating it as rubbish at waste facilities.
Composting breaks down your food scraps and garden waste, and converts it into rich and nutritious soil, by taking advantage of good bacteria and invertebrates (including millipedes and earthworms).
Adding compost to your garden will enrich the soil by adding nutrients and useful bacteria, which helps plants grow better while using less water.
Put a combination of greens and browns into your compost bin.
- fresh plant material
- fruit and vegetable scraps
- coffee grounds and tea leaves/bags
- crushed egg shells
- chicken and cow manure.
- straw
- damp leaves and grass clippings
- sawdust and wood shavings
- woodfire ash
- shredded paper and cardboard
- vacuum cleaning dust
- seaweed.

You should not compost the following or put them into your worm farm:
- meat, onion, garlic, dairy products, fats and bone
- large amounts of citrus fruit or peel
- toilet waste
- large branches
- garden waste recently sprayed with pesticides
- weeds or diseased plants
- rose prunings
- metals, plastic or glass
- treated pine sawdust and shavings.
- Put a layer of coarse material such as prunings, dry leaves and shredded newspapers on the base of your heap.
- Add alternate layers of food scraps or garden waste with soil or compost - like making lasagne - so that it won’t smell or attract flies.
- Turn it over with a garden fork once a week to speed up the process. After turning it, cover it with soil. The composting material should feel damp. If not, add some water.
- Add a thin layer of damp shredded paper or cardboard each week, to speed up the process.
To keep your compost heap healthy:
- turn it over with a garden fork once a week to keep air circulating
- chop food scraps finely to speed up the process
- cover the base of your heap with mesh to prevent mice from entering
- add a layer of soil each time you add food scraps to the compost to keep flies away.
If your compost:
- smells - it may be too wet so add some ‘browns’ and turn your heap over
- attracts animals - it may contain meat, dairy products, oils or bread
- contains ants - it may be too dry
- is not breaking down - it may not be balanced, so ensure there are equal amounts of ‘greens’ and ‘browns’ types of items.
Your compost is mature and ready to use when it feels crumbly and smells like earth. You can:
- dig it into garden beds
- spread it under trees and bushes as mulch
- use it to make potting mix for pot plants or seedlings.
Worm farms are ideal for people living in flats or houses with small backyards, and is a cheap and easy way to cut down on your rubbish.
Worms quickly and efficiently break down food scraps and garden waste, and produce a rich fertiliser called worm castings, which is great for indoor and outdoor plants, and vegetable gardens.
The most common worms used in worm farms are Tiger Worms, Red Wrigglers and Indian Blues. Worms are available at good hardware stores or plant nurseries.
You can make a cheaper version by using a polystyrene fruit box with drainage holes underneath.
Worm farming tips
- Cover the food waste with newspaper or a hessian bag as this will help to keep a constant temperature.
- Place the worm farm in a shady spot in your garden or garage because worms like an environment that is cool, dark and moist.
- fruit and vegetable scraps
- crushed egg shells
- coffee grounds and tea bags
- shredded paper

You can purchase composting bins, warm farms and composting tools including: bokashi bins, grains and liquid, compost aerator, worms and kitchen caddy from your stockist. Don't forget to apply for Council’s Zero waste rebates.
We offer free composting and worm farming workshops throughout the year. Check our events page to see what's on.
Visit events page
For more information on composting and worm farming, visit the Sustainability Victoria website.
For more information and to enquire about purchasing discounted compost bins and worm farms contact us.
Phone: 03 9217 2170