Plastic Free July

Reduce single-use plastic waste

Inspiring over 100 million people from 190 countries around the world to take part in their challenge, Plastic Free July aims to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. They help to do this by providing people with resources and the opportunity to learn more about reducing their single-use plastic waste. 

The Plastic Free July Challenge has countless alternatives and resources for you to reduce your plastic waste at home, school, work – even when you go to your local café.

Sign up to the Plastic Free July Challenge

How to make a difference 

Check out a list of tips and tricks we found most useful from the Plastic Free July team: 

  • Choose unpackaged meat, fish and deli items.
  • Use BYO shopping bags.
  • Choose and use reusable drink bottles.
  • Choose loose produce.
  • Avoid using disposable coffee cups.
  • Pick up and avoid litter.
  • Store food in reusable containers.
  • Avoid using plastic wrap.

Make an even bigger impact by encouraging your friends, family and work colleagues to get involved in the challenge with you.

Small steps make a big difference.

How to get involved