The Adaptation Game (TAG)

It is more important now than ever to be prepared for any potential natural disasters that could occur, and we have a fun and informative way to do so.

The Adaptation Game, also known as TAG, is a tabletop gaming experience designed to prepare you for the impacts of natural disasters and climate change.

TAG uses real science to simulate how you might respond to climate-related challenges now and in the future. It promotes discussions on climate resilience and emergency preparedness through interactive gameplay.

Watch our YouTube video to learn more about TAG:

Play TAG

Check back here for upcoming facilitator sessions and TAG events.

If you are interested in playing TAG, please complete and submit the Expression of Interest form.

Facilitate TAG

TAG encourages players to think about their local climate and how it impacts their community. The game is a useful way to teach people while bringing them closer together, but it can’t be done without game guides.

If you are interested in becoming a facilitator of TAG, have a knack for starting open discussions and know your local community and area well, we would love to hear from you. Please complete and submit the Expression of Interest form.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

What next?

If you have played TAG and are looking for what you can do next to be prepared for emergencies, or want to learn more about how you can look after your local environment, feel free to look through the below resources:

Moving forward, the game will be available around the City of Whittlesea, with sessions planned in different places. This project is an important part of our plan to help the community be more ready and stronger together.