Apply for Council siting consent

If your project varies the siting requirements of the Building Regulations 2018, you'll need to apply to us for a Report and Consent approval. 

We can only approve applications that meet the Regulation objective and Minister’s Guidelines, under the Building Act 1993.

Prior to lodging your application, please ensure you have all the required documentation including:

  • completed relevant Minister’s Guidelines
  • full copy of title and plan of subdivision (including any current covenants, Section 173 agreements and MCP’s) that can be obtained on the Landata website and that are less than three months old
  • plan showing the subject allotment, adjoining buildings, relevant elevations and sections required by the regulations, with the area of non-compliance clearly highlighted on all plans
  • developer’s approval (if applicable)
  • written comments from the affected adjoining property owners. If you wish us to obtain comments, an additional fee per regulation will be incurred and charged to you at a later stage.

If you would like Council to advertise to the affected adjoining neighbours on your behalf, there are additional fees per regulation per property which will be charged to you after submission of your application.

If you wish to organise the advertising yourself and require your neighbour's details, please email for this information. 

Note: You must clearly describe the non-compliance in writing for your neighbour, and have them sign and date the plans of the proposal.  If this information is not submitted, readvertising may be required.

Once you have these documents, please lodge your application.

Important: If the building work has already been carried out and is not compliant, an amended building permit and/or Report & Consent cannot be issued.  The Relevant Building Surveyor (RBS) will need to consider any non-compliance issues through the Building Notice/Order process.  It is recommended that the RBS seek comments from relevant reporting authorities (to obtain report/comments from Council – fees apply) to address non-compliance issues and/or apply for modification to the Building Appeals Board (Ph: 1300 421 082) or email

Please refer to the below practice note from the VBA for more information. 

   Pilot Practice Note 57(PDF, 246KB)

Lodge siting report and consent application