Before you demolish or remove a building

Permits to demolish or remove a building

If your project involves demolishing or removing a building, or any part of its façade, you may need a permit.

Apply for a permit to demolish or remove a building or structure if the:

  • building is not a freestanding class 10 building that is constructed of masonry
  • building exceeds 40 m2 in floor area
  • demolition will adversely affect the safety of the public or occupiers of the building
  • work is carried out on or in connection with a building included on the Heritage Register within the meaning of the Heritage Act 1995.

Please note that application fees apply. 

Section 29A Report and Consent

Before you apply for a building permit to demolish or remove a building or structure you must first:

  • consider whether a Section 29A Report and Consent is required in accordance with the Building Act
  • review whether the site is included on the Heritage Victoria Register.

If you do need to apply for a Section 29A Report and Consent you must submit the following documentation.

  • A completed Section 29A application form.
  • Site plans clearly showing the structure you propose to demolish or remove.
  • A Certificate of Title.
  • The relevant application fee.

Request Section 29A demolition form

Get a building permit to demolish

As well as the Report and Consent you must also apply for a building permit to demolish or remove structures.

Your application must include:

  • a completed building permit application form
  • an outline and description of the building or part of the building to be demolished or removed
  • computations as documented by a structural engineer demonstrating that sections of the building outside the proposed demolition or removal works will comply with the Building Act and Regulations
  • information showing the position and description of hoardings, allotment boundaries, barricades, temporary crossings, protective awnings and outriggers
  • a current Certificate of Title
  • a Section 29A Report and Consent response (if applicable)
  • a written description of the demolition or removal procedure
  • evidence that the demolisher has the necessary knowledge, experience, equipment and storage facilities to properly conduct the demolition works
  • a copy of the demolisher’s public indemnity insurance
  • evidence that the demolisher is currently registered with the Building Practitioners Board.

We'll also require site plans showing the location of the building in relation to the:

  • boundaries of the allotment
  • adjoining buildings
  • other buildings on the allotment
  • streets, footpaths or crossings adjoining the allotment.

Please note that the building surveyor who reviews your application may require additional documentation.

Apply for a building permit