Cancellations and variations to building applications

About building permits

In order to do certain building works, you may need to lodge a building permit application with us. The permit application will usually include copies of plans and other information relevant to your project.

A building permit is formal approval from council certifying that your building plans comply with the Building Regulations 2018, and allowing you to undertake building works.

Sometimes you may want to cancel a permit or permit application, or make varations to your plans.

We will respond to cancellations of, and variations to, building permit applications in different ways, depending on the status of your application.

Cancel your building permit

How we respond to an application to cancel your building permit can vary depending on the status of your building permit application.

How to cancel your building permit application

If you want to cancel your building permit application and to not proceed with construction, please email stating the project address and the reason for cancelling the permit.

If the permit application process is underway but a permit not yet issued

If we've allocated your building permit application and begun the assessment process when you cancel your application, you may be entitled to a partial refund.

This is on a case-by-case basis only. Please email us at stating the project address and the reason for cancelling the permit so we can review your case.

If a building permit already been issued

If you've already been issued with a building permit but want to cancel it, you must still notify us in writing at stating the project address and the reason for cancelling the permit. 

Unfortunately, it's too late to receive a refund.

Variations to designs

If designs or materials need to be changed during the course of construction, you must first get permission from the building surveyor who issued your building permit.

Download a Variation of Building Permit application form

Building permit variation form - accessible(DOC, 474KB)

Building permit variation form(PDF, 87KB)

How we respond to an application to vary your building design can change, depending on status of your building permit application.

Make design variations before a permit has been issued

If you want to make a variation to the design prior to a building permit being issued, this may incur additional fees.

Email us at stating the project address and the design variations and we'll get back to you.

Make design variations after a permit has been issued

If you want to make any variations/changes to a design after a building permit has been issued, you must make a formal application for a Variation to a Building Permit and pay the associated fee.

If a Report and Consent Application already been issued

If a Report and Consent Application for a design variation has been assessed or issued, unfortunately you won't receive a refund if it is cancelled.

Building permit time extensions

If your project is running behind schedule, you can extend your building permit.

If you require an extension of time please submit a request.

Request an extension of time to a building permit