Whittlesea Township Plan

About the Whittlesea Township Plan

The Whittlesea Township Plan provides a long-term vision and direction for the planning and development of the Whittlesea Township over the next 15-20 years.

We adopted the Whittlesea Township Plan on 1 June 2021. We developed the plan in consultation with the community and other key partners and stakeholders.

A vision for Whittlesea Township

The plan outlines a vision for Whittlesea Township focused on community, growth and the environment. 

The plan proposes that looking forward, Whittlesea Township will:

  • retain its unique rural country feel, continue to serve the day-to-day needs of the local community and provide a with a strong community focus for the surrounding rural areas
  • have a thriving, inclusive, connected and safe community and provide for the community to age well across all life stages, with well-utilised services and facilities, including opportunities for recreation, to meet the current and changing needs of the community
  • be a contained town where residential growth is appropriately managed, and which has a diversity of housing options to meet the needs of different household types and which respects the character of the local area
  • be a well connected and accessible community with sustainable and active travel options
  • have a strong and vibrant local economy and local employment opportunities
  • continue to have a strong connection to the surrounding natural environment.

Who’s involved in the plan?

We have the primary responsibility to implementing the plan.

We also require support from the State Government, other public agencies and the private sector.

Further information

Please contact the Strategic Planning Unit on 03 9217 2170, or email strategic.planning@whittlesea.vic.gov.au.