Planning for liveable neighbourhoods

Partnering for healthy and active communities

Partnerships are important to ensure people of all ages can lead a healthy, active lifestyle with access to high quality facilities. 

We work with the federal and state governments, other local councils, developers, local organisations and community groups to offer infrastructure and services for our new and changing communities.

What we do

While overlap exists, the three levels of government have distinct roles and responsibilities for delivering services to residents and businesses in the City of Whittlesea.

Our three main responsibilities

  • We provide essential community services and infrastructure.
  • We advocate to state and federal governments for funding of community services and infrastructure projects.
  • We support and work with local community groups, organisations and government agencies to deliver services and infrastructure projects the community needs.

Our services

We deliver more than 100 services.

  • Community services including maternal and child health care, family day care and services for older adults and people with disability.
  • Waste management with rubbish bins and hard, green and recycle waste collections.
  • Maintenance and provision of local parks and open spaces including play equipment, sports reserves and trees.
  • Building and maintaining local roads.
  • Administering local laws covering pet ownership, animal management, parking and vegetation management.
  • Assessing and issuing permits relating to planning and building, environment and health.
  • Long term strategic planning and policy development.

The role of state government

State government responsibilities include:

  • education including primary and secondary schools, vocational training and higher education

  • public health such as hospitals and some community health services

  • emergency services covering police, fire and ambulance

  • water supply and cleanliness

  • public transport including trains, buses and trams

  • building and maintenance of main roads (such as Plenty Road) and freeways (such as the Hume Freeway)

  • Victorian Planning System, covering broad policy direction for the planning of land and development in Victoria

  • funds to councils for kindergartens and some community facilities.

The role of federal government

At a local level, the federal government is responsible for:

  • building and managing infrastructure programs of state significance such as airports and universities
  • funding major roads and rail projects
  • funding local roads through the Roads to Recovery program and Financial Assistances Grants.

Find out more about what we do.

The planning system

Local and state governments manage planning and development in Victoria to ensure the delivery of well-planned and well-designed suburbs and neighbourhood areas.

What is a planning scheme?

A planning scheme is a statutory document that regulates the use, development and protection of land in the area to which it applies.

Whittlesea Planning Scheme

We're responsible for administering the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, which guides how land can be used and developed across our City.

A range of other plans sit under the Whittlesea Planning Scheme. These ensure your local area has access to shops, parks, jobs, education, transport, art and community facilities.

Precinct structure plans (PSPs)

Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) are high-level master plans for whole communities. They detail roads, retail hubs, schools, parks, housing, employment and connections to transport. They address biodiversity, cultural heritage, infrastructure provision and funding through the development contributions plan.

We work with the state government to prepare PSPs, ensuring there is a consistent and considered approach to planning new areas across the municipality. Once approved by the state government, PSPs are incorporated into the Whittlesea Planning Scheme to guide planning permit applications within future growth areas.

PSPs are currently being developed for:

  • Wollert
  • Quarry Hills (South Morang)
  • Donnybrook and Woodstock
  • English Street Precinct (Donnybrook)

For more information, visit the Victorian Planning Authority website.

Structure plans

We develop structure plans in consultation with the community. They set out future direction for our newly established areas and suburbs. Once approved, they are incorporated into the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

Our structure plans include:

  • Epping Central Structure Plan 2011
  • Epping North East Local Structure Plans 2008
  • Mernda Strategy Plan 2008
  • Epping North Local Structure Plan 2002
  • Harvest Home Local Structure Plan 2002
  • South Morang Local Structure Plan 1997
  • Plenty Valley Town Centre: South Morang (in development)

Master plans

Master plans are developed for a specific space including streetscapes, parks and reserves.

A master plan provides specific direction on changes to a space or place to improve the way it is used by the community.

Our master plans include:

  • Church Street Master Plan, Whittlesea Township 2013
  • Thomastown and Lalor Master Plan 2011
  • Bundoora Shopping Centre Master Plan 1995

Our town centres

Town centres play a crucial role at the heart of our communities.

They are more than shopping centres. They serve many purposes for the community, providing services, employment and connection.

Town centres are where we shop, work, meet, relax and live. Usually well served by public transport, they range in size and use from local neighbourhood strip centres to major community hubs.

The City of Whittlesea advocates to the state government for the delivery of appropriate services when these centres develop.

Community facilities

Quality facilities create healthy communities by providing a place where people can socialise and engage in a variety of activities. We typically build facilities in partnership with the state and federal governments, community and non-government agencies and property developers.

Regional facilities

To delivery regional community facilities such as universities, leisure, performing arts centres and hospitals we work to secure funding support from federal and state governments and partnerships with the private sector.


In Victoria there are government schools, Catholic schools and independent schools.

The state government is responsible for public primary and secondary schools. It also regulates a range of education, training and early childhood services.

At the local government level, we advocate and work in partnership with the state government, Catholic Education Office and Independent School sector to secure land for future schools across the City of Whittlesea.

Community centres

We plan, develop and oversee the management and maintenance of community centres. Each one is unique and developed in response to the needs of the local community.

Community centres often have a community hall, kitchen and meeting rooms. These can be used by residents and groups of all ages for social, recreational, cultural and service delivery activities including:

  • maternal and child health services
  • kindergartens
  • playgroups
  • cooking and art groups
  • programs for young people
  • adult education classes
  • fitness classes such as yoga, dance and tai chi
  • seniors clubs
  • planned activity group programs
  • immunisation
  • private functions.

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Volunteer parent committees of management or community-based not-for-profit organisations manage our local kindergartens.

Our responsibilities include:

  • building, owning and maintaining kindergarten facilities
  • managing a central enrolment scheme for kindergarten programs operating from Council-owned facilities
  • supporting early childhood educators with professional development, networking opportunities, integrated services and planning.

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Parks, recreation and leisure facilities

It’s important that people of all ages and abilities can access and enjoy quality parks, open spaces and leisure facilities.

We work with the Victorian Government and developers to provide appropriate recreation facilities and open spaces.

Council responsibilities

  • Plan, develop and manage local open spaces such as parks, reserves and streetscapes. This includes about 1,300 hectares of land and 77,000 street trees.
  • Plan, develop and manage local recreation and leisure facilities including Mill Park Leisure, Growling Frog Golf Course, Waterview Recreation Reserve, Thomastown Recreation and Aquatic Centre, as well as tennis and bocce courts, football, cricket and softball ovals and soccer pitches across the municipality.
  • Protect the natural and heritage values of our open space.

State government responsibilities

  • Plan, deliver and manage Victorian parks such as Plenty Gorge Park in South Morang.
  • Provide policy and guidance to local government about the planning of future local parks, recreation and leisure facilities.

Developer responsibilities

The planning and provision of open spaces in future and newly established areas is guided by state government planning guidelines. Developers in these areas must:

  • set aside land for parks recreation, leisure, waterways, nature conservation and open space linkage 
  • transfer that land to us to manage and maintain.

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Our public transport networks

Planning, delivery and maintenance of our public roads, trains, trams and buses is shared between us, state and federal governments and developers.

Council responsibilities

Our role as local government is to plan and maintain the transport system within the municipality to meet the needs of residents.

We provide infrastructure and maintenance of local roads, footpaths and bike paths.

We also advocate to state and federal governments for improvements to:

  • public transport, such as the extension of the train line to Mernda and Wollert and increasing the capacity of local bus services
  • the road network, particularly major arterial roads and freeways, such as the extension to O’Herns Road and the interchange onto the Hume Highway.

State government responsibilities

State government departments and agencies involved in our municipality’s transport system include:

  • The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, which is responsible for strategic transport planning, ports and regional rail links
  • Public Transport Victoria (PTV), which is responsible for coordinating Victoria’s public transport infrastructure and services, such as buses, trains and trams
  • VicRoads, which is responsible for developing and maintaining major arterial (main) roads –such as High Street and Plenty Road – and freeways such as the Hume.

Federal government responsibilities

The federal government provides funding for transport projects, such as new roads and public transport that are of regional or metropolitan significance.

Developer responsibilities

Developers in our future and newly established areas – including Mernda, Doreen, Epping North, Wollert, Donnybrook and Woodstock – build roads, footpaths, shared paths and open space links.

Once constructed the developer hands them over to the City of Whittlesea to maintain.

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Environmental sustainability

We're committed to protecting our diverse natural assets. This involves managing areas where our rural and urban environments meet and reducing our demand on resources.

Our natural assets

Our municipality’s natural assets include rare native grasslands, red gum woodlands, waterways and significant animal species.

We deliver programs to encourage sustainable land management, including incentive schemes for our rural landholders, environmental planning and development controls and community initiatives to educate and connect people to their natural surroundings.

We also manage a large number of conservation reserves that are home to our unique flora and fauna.

The built environment

Sustainable buildings and urban areas reduce the impact on our environment and create more comfortable, durable and affordable places to live and work.

We work with developers and state government agencies through the planning process to encourage a sustainable built environment.

We're also working to reduce our own environmental impact through projects including:

  • refitting more than 7,000 streetlights with energy efficient lamps
  • using biodiesel to fuel our heavy vehicle fleet
  • building an integrated water-capture system in partnership with the Melbourne Wholesale Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Market
  • installing solar photovoltaic panels on community buildings.

To keep our future impact low, all our new community buildings meet sustainable design best practice benchmarks.