Epping Renewal Site: 215 Cooper Street, Epping

About the development plan

The Epping Renewal Site Development Plan was approved under delegation by Council’s Chief Executive Officer on 23 January 2023.

The Development Plan applies to land at 215, 229, 255, 315W and 325C Cooper Street, Epping. The development plan will guide the future use of, and development of land for, employment, health services, housing and open space.

Area covered by the proposed plan

The proposed development plan applies mainly to 215 Cooper Street, Epping, but also affects adjoining land at 229, 255, 315W and 325C Cooper Street, Epping.

The plan does not propose development on any surrounding properties.

The land covered by the proposed development plan is shown below.


Why have a development plan?

The preparation of a development plan is a statutory requirement in accordance with the Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 39) in the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, which affects the relevant properties.

The development plan consists of both text and plan components and provides for a road layout, future development parcels and open space network.

What the plan covers

The proposed development plan guides the future use and development of the land for employment, health services, housing and open space.


The mixed-use precinct will provide for a range of employment uses (including health, commercial and some limited retail).


The plan provides for a diverse range of housing sizes and types and sizes to meet the needs of the community, including apartments and medium-density housing. Social and affordable housing will be part of the housing mix.


The development plan provides for the rehabilitation of the Edgars Creek Corridor. This corridor has significant conservation value as habitat for the regionally significant Growling Grass Frog. 

The Edgars Creek Corridor forms the central spine of the Epping Renewal Site. It will play an important role linking residents, workers and visitors to recreation and other local facilities.

Stage 1 of the development

Stage 1 of the development, which was approved by the Minister for Planning in December 2020, created sites for 151 social- and affordable-housing apartments and a private hospital and medical centre.

The apartments have been built, and Stage 1 of new Northern Private Hospital opened to the public in early 2024.

Future works

The approval of the Development Plan will facilitate further development of the site, including planned rehabilitation works to Edgars Creek.

Download the proposed development plan

Epping Renewal Site Development Plan(PDF, 46MB)

Contact us

For more information, contact our Strategic Futures Department on 03 9217 2170 or strategic.planning@whittlesea.vic.gov.au.