Advertising a planning permit application

Letting people know about your plans

In some cases, when someone applies for a planning permit or an amendment to an existing permit, we notify people who may be affected by the proposal. This process is called public notification. We may carry it out in different ways, including:

  • sending letters to adjoining properties
  • displaying details on an on-site board
  • publishing the details on our website
  • advertising in the local newspaper (for varying or removing a restrictive covenant).

During the advertising period, a copy of the application plans and supporting documentation will be available through our online planning register

When the advertising period finishes, you must submit a statutory declaration indicating that the advertising signage was displayed for the requested period. You can download a statutory declaration form below.

Download a statutory declaration form

Statutory declaration form - accessible(DOCX, 27KB)

Statutory declaration form(PDF, 297KB)

Track the status of a planning permit application

You can track the status of a planning permit application via our online planning register.

The register is available any time and allows you to quickly check:

  • who is handling your application
  • the status of your application 
  • advertised applications and relevant documentation.

The information provided through the online planning register abides by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, as it displays information that's publicly available at our municipal offices.

Search for a planning application via the online planning register

Submit a letter supporting a planning application

You'll need to submit your letter of support in writing before we decide on the application, but preferably before the advertising period ends.

We recommend the letter includes:

  • the application number
  • the street address of the proposal
  • your name
  • your contact details
  • your reasons for supporting the proposal.

You can lodge a letter of support via the online planning register by searching for the application and selecting the ‘feedback’ button.

We'll write to you to confirm we’ve received your letter of support, and we'll advise you of the timing and process for decisions in subsequent letters.

Please be aware that letters of support are not private or anonymous. A copy, including your personal details, will be made available to any person who requests it, including the permit applicant.

Lodge a letter of support via the online planning register

Object to a planning permit application

Before you object, please make sure you closely inspect the advertising documents so that you clearly understand the proposal. All advertised documentation is available on our website for the required notice period. 

You must submit your objection before we decide on the application, but preferably before the advertising period ends.

You can lodge an objection via the online planning register by searching for the application and selecting the ‘feedback’ button.

We'll write to you to confirm we’ve received your objection, and we'll advise you of the timing and process for decisions in subsequent letters.

Please be aware that your full objection, including your personal details, becomes a public document that can be viewed by anyone on request.

Lodge an objection via the online planning register

Lodge a petition

A petition is a single objection with multiple signatures. It must include the contact details (including name, address, email and phone number) of the head petitioner (organiser) and the reasons or concerns for the petition.

You can lodge a petition via the online planning register by searching for the application and selecting the ‘feedback’ button.

Council will provide a copy of any decisions to the head petitioner. The head petitioner is then responsible for notifying the rest of the signatories about Council’s decision. If there's no head petitioner listed, Council will notify one of the signatories about the decision, and that person will be responsible for notifying the rest of the signatories.

Note: only the head petitioner will have third-party appeal rights via the VCAT appeals process.

Lodge a petition via the online planning register