Planning scheme review

The Whittlesea Planning Scheme is the legal framework that guides decisions on how land in the City of Whittlesea is used and developed.

The Planning and Environment Act 1987 requires a planning authority to review its planning scheme no later than one year after each date by which it is required to approve a Council plan.

View the Whittlesea Planning Scheme

Why we have Planning Scheme reviews

The review aims to ensure that the planning scheme reflects the community's vision by recommending improvements to address the land use and development planning issues that our community has identified.

Regular planning scheme reviews are useful for identifying where we need to improve local planning policies and controls. Local planning policies guide how we will exercise our discretion under the Whittlesea Planning Scheme and must be consistent with state government planning policy.

The review findings may recommend specific changes that should be made to correct information that has been superseded by changes in legislation or controls that have become redundant due to new development. These changes may be made through procedural planning scheme amendments once the review findings have been endorsed by Council.

All such changes are exhibited for public comments as part of the standard planning scheme amendment process.  

More information

If you need more information about planning scheme reviews, please contact our Strategic Futures department on 03 9217 2170.

View the Whittlesea Planning Scheme