Planning services and online forms

Access all your planning needs in one place. Apply for permits, get pre-planning advice, submit plans and more. Find comprehensive resources and tools to navigate the planning process with ease.

Access the online planning application portal

We’ve developed and launched a new online planning application portal to streamline the permit process for residents and developers. All planning permit applications must be submitted via the portal. You can use the portal for all tasks mentioned in the following sections. 

For assistance navigating the portal, please contact Building and Planning on 03 9217 2170 or submit an enquiry, and one of our friendly team will get back to you and walk you through the process.

Access the online planning application portal

Logging in to the online planning application portal

Accessing the portal for the first time? Head to the self registration page to create an account. 

If you already have an account, head to the portal and enter your username and password.

Apply for a planning permit

All planning permit applications are submitted online via the planning application portal.

If you're unsure if you need a permit, the portal will help you determine if you require one. 

You can also see Do I need a planning permitApply for a planning permit and Planning permit application process for more information. 

Apply for a permit

Other ways to apply

If you have difficulty applying via the online planning application portal, please contact the Planning Department on 03 9217 2170 or submit an enquiry, and one of our friendly team will get back to you and step you through the process.

Fast-track your planning permit application

In some cases, you can fast-track your planning permit application.

For more information, see Have your planning permit fast-tracked.

Request planning pre-application advice

A planning pre-application advice consultation allows you to receive initial guidance and direction about your proposal. Any advice given in a pre-application advice consultation is of a preliminary nature only.

You can submit a pre-application advice request, after which a planning officer will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time. This service is provided free of charge, and you must submit supporting documentation.

Your supporting documents can include but are not limited to the following:

  • a copy of your Certificate of Title (no older than 90 days from today's date)
  • a sketch or concept plan of the proposal
  • a written submission on the proposed use and/or development
  • scaled and dimensioned plans or a sketch or concept plan of the proposal. 

If you’re unable to provide supporting documentation and are after general planning advice, you can ask to speak with a planning officer at our Building and Planning counter or you can ask for general advice over the phone on 03 9217 2170.

If you’re after written advice, you’ll need to submit a Planning Property Information Request.

Request planning pre-application advice

Request planning property information

We can provide written planning advice via a planning property information request, including advice about the planning controls on a property and whether a planning permit is required.

Request planning property information

Request Section 50 amendment (pre-advertising)

If you have an application currently in progress and need to amend your original submission before the advertising period, you can lodge an amendment through the online planning application portal by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the online planning application portal 
  2. Select 'More
  3. Select ‘My Applications
  4. Search for the application you want to amend 
  5. Select the ‘Actions’ drop-down list against the relevant application
  6. Select ‘Create Amendment’. 

The system automatically recognises if you're seeking a pre- or post-advertising amendment.  

Request a Section 50 amendment

Request Section 57A amendment (post-advertising)

If you have an application currently in progress and need to amend your original submission after the advertising period, you can lodge an amendment through the online planning application portal by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the online planning application portal 
  2. Select 'More
  3. Select ‘My Applications
  4. Search for the application you want to amend 
  5. Select the ‘Actions’ drop-down list against the relevant application
  6. Select ‘Create Amendment’. 

The system automatically recognises if you're seeking a pre- or post-advertising amendment.  

Request a 57A amendment

Apply for a time extension for an existing permit

You can apply to extend the time of an existing planning permit via the online planning application portal:

  • before the planning permit expires
  • within six months to allow commencement of the planning permit
  • within 12 months to allow completion of the development.

Request a time extension

Request secondary consent to an existing planning permit

Secondary consent allows for minor modifications to endorsed plans only.

It can be requested by the owner or occupier of the property.

Request secondary consent to an existing permit

Apply for a Section 72 planning permit amendment

A Section 72 amendment is required for major changes to the endorsed plans, permit conditions or permit preamble.

This generally follows the same process as a new planning permit application.

Apply for a Section 72 amendment

Apply to amend or end a Section 173 agreement

What's a Section 173 agreement?

A Section 173 agreement is a legal agreement made between Council and another party or parties under Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. It's registered on the Certificate of Title for a property.

A landowner is usually the other party to the agreement. In some cases, a third party, such as a referral authority, may also be involved. An agreement provides for continuous restrictions or ongoing requirements on the use or development of the land.

Ending and amending a Section 173 agreement

You can apply to Whittlesea City Council to amend or end a Section 173 agreement. The process for amending or ending a Section 173 agreement has four stages:

Stage 1

  • Apply to Council to seek ‘in principle’ support to end or amend the agreement. You can do this via a planning property information request.
  • Complete this application form and pay a fee of $165.85 via the website.

Stage 2

  • If Council agrees ‘in principle’ to the proposal to end or amend the agreement, you must submit a a formal request to Council along with a fee of $726.70. You can lodge the formal request and pay the fee via the online planning application portal.
  • Council will then notify all parties to the agreement and anyone else Council believes may be affected by the ending or amending of the agreement. This may include referral authorities like VicRoads and Melbourne Water, adjoining property owners or occupiers and other interested parties.

Stage 3 

  • Council must wait until 14 days after giving notice before making a decision, and must consider any objections or submissions in its decision. Council may decide to: 
    • amend or end the agreement as requested
    • amend or end the agreement in a manner that is not substantially different to the proposal
    • refuse to amend or end the agreement. 

Stage 4

If Council supports your proposal to amend or end a Section 173 agreement, you'll be issued with a letter of Council’s decision and Form 19 to take to the land titles office to register.

Any change to a Section 173 agreement must be registered on the Certificate of Title to the land to which it applies. This ensures that all future land owners are aware of, and bound by, the requirements of the Section 173 agreement.

It's the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the agreement is registered at the land titles office in a timely manner.

 Apply to amend or end a Section 173 agreement

Submit conditional plans

Your planning permit conditions may require you to submit plans, which is known as a 'conditional plan submission'. You can submit conditional plans via the online planning application portal.

If you need help, you can contact the Building and Planning department via email at

Submit conditional plans

Request a copy of a permit or endorsed plans

You can request copies of endorsed plans and/or permits in electronic or hardcopy format.

Request an electronic copy of permits or endorsed plans 

Request a hardcopy of permits or endorsed plans

Planning fees

You'll find the full fee schedule on theplanning fees page.

Pay a planning infringement notice

As the responsible authority, we're required by law to enforce the Whittlesea Planning Scheme. We investigate reported breaches of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, planning permit conditions, the Planning and Environment Act and Section 173 agreements.

When we recognise a clear breach we will enforce penalties, especially if the breach is detrimental to the community.

We aim for compliance rather than prosecution offenders, but for some types of offences, punishment may be a necessary deterrent.

Our compliance process includes:

  • verbal warning of a breach
  • letters confirming the breach and requesting action (escalating).

If you've been served a planning infringement notice, you can pay in the following ways:

Support and assistance

If you have a general planning-related question you can submit an enquiry via the online planning portal's Contact Us form.

You can also contact the Building and Planning department on 03 9217 2170 or via email at