Workplace immunisation service

Booking a workplace immunisation session

There's peace of mind knowing you're making your workplace as safe as possible.

You can book a workplace visit for your staff immunisations, and we will provide you with guidelines, factsheets and consent cards.

You'll also be given a complete listing of all staff vaccinated for your work, health and safety records.

We visit around 50 local workplaces each year to protect workers with a range of vaccines.

This program mainly immunises people with the influenza vaccine, but we can arrange other vaccines.

Book your workplace visit


Phone: 03 9217 2170

Benefits of workplace immunisations

Some benefits of offering workplace immunisation to your employees include:

  • reducing the spread of infection in the workplace
  • minimising the cost of absenteeism
  • maintaining productivity
  • increasing staff morale
  • increasing safety - illness can slow reaction times by 20 to 40%
  • helping comply with Work Health and Safety Regulations
  • helping control preventable diseases and unnecessary outbreaks.

Fees for workplace immunisations

Vaccines must be confirmed 5 days before the immunisation visit, and an invoice will be raised based on the confirmed number.

Number of staff Clinic cost Notes on sessions
1-20 staff $495 flat fee One hour booking. Our staff will arrive 10 minutes before your booking time to set up.
21-75 staff $24.50 per person Please call for a quote if you have over 75 staff
Free flu vaccine You won't be charged for

People with medical risk factors

Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

All adults over 65 years of age.

You'll only be charged extra if:

  • the visit needs to be over an hour
  • travel is required outside the municipality
  • more than one nurse is required at the visit.

Important information for employees

Staff who will be immunised should bring their completed consent card and any immunisation history they have.

Each staff member will receive an individual record card of their vaccination on the day.

All vaccinations are uploaded to the Australian Immunisation Register.

Staff who are absent on the day will be issued a voucher. The voucher can be used at any of our public immunisation sessions until 30 August 2024 to receive their vaccine.

Make a booking using the voucher:

Book a public immunisation session

Flu and flu vaccine facts

  • Influenza is a serious disease. People of any age can get it.
  • Vaccination can reduce the likelihood of you getting the flu in the workplace or classroom.
  • Vaccination helps reduce the spread within the community or to the rest of your family at home.
  • In at-risk groups, influenza causes 1,500 deaths, 80,000 GP visits and 15,000 hospitalisations in Australia each year.
  • Influenza vaccination has been shown to reduce chest infections by up to 25%.
  • Vaccination may reduce the need to visit your doctor as a result of a chest infection by as much as 44%.

More information

For more information about immunisations, please email us at or phone 03 9217 2170.