Burning off and fires

Outdoor fire restrictions

Year-round restrictions apply to outdoor fires on your property. It is your responsibility to check whether you need a permit for the type of fire you plan to have. Depending on where you live and the type of fire you are planning, different rules apply.

It's illegal to light incinerators in the City of Whittlesea because it can cause serious danger and damage to lives and property.

To prevent dangerous grass fires, you must also ensure all grass, weeds and scrub on your property are less than 10 cm high at all times of the year.

See our Prescribed Burning Program interactive map here

When you need a fire permit in urban areas

You must have a fire permit to burn off at any time of the year if:

  • you live in an urban or residential area, or
  • your property is smaller than 0.8 hectares.

The General Municipal Law, does not allow incinerators but does permit an open fire for the purpose of cooking food.

Open fires, wood heaters and outdoor ovens must not cause a nuisance to any person and must be purpose-built.

Items like 44 gallon drums, converted dryers, truck wheels and the like are not permitted.

It is recommended that any outdoor fire is located three metres from any adjoining property.

Find out more about local laws.

When you need a fire permit in rural areas

If you live on a rural property greater than 0.8 hectares, you can only burn off during a CFA-declared Fire Danger Period if you have a fire permit.

The size and zoning of your property will determine if you need a permit to burn off outside the Fire Danger Period.

Call us on 03 9217 2170 or email info@whittlesea.vic.gov.au to see if you need a permit.

What you can't burn

Smoke can cause a health hazard, especially if the wrong material is burned.

You can't burn:

  • treated timber, including pine
  • fence palings
  • plastic
  • green waste
  • damp wood
  • furniture or hard waste.

Hard waste can be disposed of at Heidelberg Materials (Wollert landfill), or you can book a hard waste collection.

Heidelberg Materials (Wollert landfill)

55 Bridge Inn Road
Phone: 03 9408 1299
Visit the Heidelberg Materials (Wollert landfill) website for more details.

Book a hard waste collection

Apply for a permit

Urban area permit

You can apply for a fire permit from our Municipal Fire Prevention officer.

Step 1.Prepare your application

A burn plan and fee of $170 are required for this application. Details of what to include in your burn plan are included in the permit application form.

Download an application for a permit to burn in urban area

Permit to burn in urban area form - accessible(DOCX, 48KB)

Permit to burn in urban area form(PDF, 120KB)

If you need a paper copy of the form, collect one from our Council offices or call us on 03 9217 2170 and ask us to send you one.

Step 2.Submit your completed application form

In person
City of Whittlesea
25 Ferres Boulevard
South Morang

View map

City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC, VIC 3083


Rural area permit

Under very strict conditions you can apply for a fire permit during the CFA-declared fire danger period for burning off in rural areas. 

You can apply for a fire permit from our Municipal Fire Prevention officer.

Step 1.Prepare your application

Download, complete and return the form below, together with a detailed burn plan. Details of what to include in your burn plan are included in the permit application form.

If you need a paper copy of the form, collect one from our Council offices or call us on 03 9217 2170 and ask us to send you one.

No application fee is required for this permit.

Download the application to burn during the fire danger period

Permit to burn application form - accessible(DOCX, 42KB)

Permit to burn application form(PDF, 95KB)

Step 2.Submit your completed application form

In person
City of Whittlesea
25 Ferres Boulevard
South Morang

View map


City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC, VIC 3083


Can you have an outdoor fire?

Year-round restrictions apply to outdoor fires on your property. It is your responsibility to check whether you need a permit for the type of fire you plan to have. Depending on where you live and the type of fire you are planning, different rules apply.

It is illegal to light incinerators in the City of Whittlesea as doing so can cause serious danger and damage to lives and property.

To prevent dangerous grass fires, you must also ensure all grass, weeds and scrub on your property are less than 10cm high at all times of the year.

The following sections describe how the rules on outdoor fires, burn-offs and permit requirements apply.

Urban areas

You must have a fire permit to burn off at any time of the year if:

  • you live in an urban or residential area, or
  • your property is smaller than 0.8 hectares.

The General Municipal Law, does not allow incinerators but does permit an open fire for the purpose of cooking food.

Open fires, wood heaters and outdoor ovens must not cause a nuisance to any person and must be purpose-built.

Items like 44 gallon drums, converted dryers, truck wheels and the like are not permitted.

It is recommended that any outdoor fire is located three metres from any adjoining property.

Find out more about local laws.

Rural areas

If you live on a rural property greater than 0.8 hectares, you can only burn off during a CFA-declared Fire Danger Period if you have a fire permit.

The size and zoning of your property will determine if you need a permit to burn off outside the Fire Danger Period.

Call us on 03 9217 2170 to see if you need a permit.

What you can't burn

Smoke can cause a health hazard, especially if the wrong material is burned.

You can't burn:

  • treated timber, including pine
  • fence palings
  • plastic
  • green waste
  • damp wood
  • furniture or hard waste.

Hard waste can be disposed of at Heidelberg Materials Landfill, or you can book a hard waste collection.

Heidelberg Materials Landfill
55 Bridge Inn Road
Phone: 03 9408 1299
Visit the Heidelberg Materials Landfill for further details.

Book a hard waste collection

Apply for a permit

Permit to burn in an urban area

You can apply for a fire permit from our Municipal Fire Prevention officer.

A burn plan and fee are required for this application.

Download an application for a permit to burn in urban area

in Word format(DOCX, 48KB)

in PDF format(PDF, 120KB)

How to deliver your completed application form

In person
City of Whittlesea
25 Ferres Boulevard
South Morang

City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC, VIC 3083


Permit to burn during the declared Fire Danger Period

Under very strict conditions you can apply for a fire permit during the CFA-declared Fire Danger Period.

Download, complete and return the form below, together with a detailed burn plan.

No application fee is required for this permit.

Download the application to burn during the Fire Danger Period

in Word format(DOCX, 42KB)

in PDF format(PDF, 95KB)

How to deliver your completed application form

In person
City of Whittlesea
25 Ferres Boulevard
South Morang

City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC, VIC 3083
