Parking and safety around schools

Staying safe in school traffic

There are a number of things you can do to keep yourself and your family safe when driving and walking near school.

These include:

  • supervising your children in or near traffic
  • walking or cycling to school with your child
  • respecting all road rules, parking signs and instructions from authorities
  • waiting on the same side of the street as your child
  • always letting your child out on the kerb side of the car
  • paying attention to the road rules and any signage
  • think about walking, cycling or scooting to school to reduce traffic, but be aware of cars on the roads and near schools.

Parking and driving in school zones

To ensure the safety of you, your family and others, be aware of the rules when parking and driving near schools. You must take care to ensure you're observing the rules, and parking and driving safely. Be alert, and look out for any signage.

Parking and stopping

No stopping areas must be kept clear.

If times or days are specified, restrictions are only applicable to the specified times or days.

You cannot park in a P3 minute area for longer than three minutes.


Within 10 metres of an intersection

A driver must not stop with any part of their vehicle within 10 metres of an intersection unless signed otherwise.



Allow a 3 metre gap

Leave at least 3 metres between your vehicle and the centre diving line to allow other vehicles to pass safely and not obstruct traffic.


Speed limits

Look out for the reduced speed limit around schools and slow down to improve safety.


School crossings

When the flags are displayed at a children's crossing, you must stop for pedestrians who are waiting to cross, or who have started crossing.

You must remain stopped until the crossing is clear. These rules apply even if there is no crossing supervisor.

Learn more about children's school crossings.

Parking on nature strips and footpaths

Parking is illegal on nature strips and footpaths.

Yellow edge line

A driver must not stop on the side of the road marked with a yellow edge line.


Double parking

It is illegal to double park at any time. This affects the flow of traffic.


Stopping across driveways

It is illegal to stop or park across a driveway unless you stay in the car and are there for no more than two minutes.

You must move immediately if required to do so to allow entry or exit by the owner or occupier.


Parking enforcement

Parking officers patrol and enforce parking restrictions around schools on a daily basis to ensure the safety of children and motorists.

As part of their enforcement activity, officers may take photos of offending vehicles to assist with reviews and prosecutions or infringements.

Officers are trained to record this evidence while avoiding identifying children and parents around the vehicle wherever possible.

While conducting their duties, parking officers are exempt from parking road rules under Road Rule 307. Officers are legally able to record evidence of offending vehicles while they are stationary, which in some circumstances will include them parking contrary to law. They are permitted to do this.

More information

For more information about parking and safety around schools, please contact us on 03 9217 2170 or