Road safety programs

Working in partnership with VicRoads and Victoria Police, we run local road safety awareness and education programs aimed at reducing driver speed and the frequency and seriousness of accidents on our local roads.

Hoon Hotline

If you see any inappropriate or antisocial (hoon) driver behaviour, you should report it to Victoria Police by contacting Crime Stoppers.

Remember, it's illegal to use your mobile phone while driving.

Please pull over or wait until you've reached your destination before contacting Crime Stoppers.

What to include in your report

When making a report, you should provide any available information, including:

  • the location where the incident occurred
  • the date and time of incident
  • the make, model, colour and registration of the vehicle
  • your name, contact details and address (if a follow-up is required).


As a member of RoadSafe, we develop initiatives to support state government road safety programs at a local community level.

These programs may focus on:

  • drink driving
  • speed
  • fatigue
  • older road users
  • young drivers
  • pedestrian safety
  • road safety for children
  • child restraint use
  • motorcycle and vehicle safety.

Programs we've supported

RoadSafe programs that we have supported include the Not So Fast speed reduction program. This program reminds drivers of the 50km/h speed limit in local streets. It encourages them to slow down, drive safely and be aware of other road users including pedestrians.

Other road safety programs include

  • Make Motorcycling Safer– aimed at reducing motorcycle crashes.
  • Learning to drive – ‘Keys Please’.
  • Drink driving – ‘Almost a bloody idiot’.

Speed observation sign

To remind drivers to watch their speed, we use a portable trailer-mounted speed observation sign. We park the speed observation trailer in different locations throughout the City of Whittlesea.

The speed observation sign can measure and display the speed of oncoming vehicles. It also shows a message to passing drivers. The driver message varies depending on the speed recorded.

Drivers don't get booked by the speed observation trailer. However, Victoria Police, which supports its use, continues to enforce the speed limit.

Parking the speed observation trailer in local streets has been successful in reducing vehicle speeds significantly.