Surrendering your pet

We understand that sometimes situations occur, or life circumstances change, and you may find you can no longer take care of your pet. wat djerring Animal Facility is able to accept surrenders from residents of the City of Whittlesea, City of Darebin and Merri-bek City Council.


The fees for single animal surrenders are listed below, however please talk to our staff about fees for surrendering multiple animals or litters.

 Municipality Dogs  Cats
City of Whittlesea $40.00 $20.00 
City of Darebin $51.00 $51.00 
Merri-bek City Council $60.00* $40.00* 

*Concession half price

Surrendering a pet

Step 1.Check the criteria

In order to be deemed suitable for our rehoming program all animals must meet minimal behaviour and medical criteria before rehomed.

Our team members will need to spend some time with you asking questions about our pet so we can best determine any rehoming options.

Should for some reason your pet not pass these assessments then wat djerring Animal Facility may seek alternative options with regards to rehoming through other welfare organisations. If your pet is deemed not suitable for rehoming, euthanasia may be considered.

To assist us, please complete the form for your pet.

Step 2.Complete an application form

Complete the online application and we'll get back to you soon.

Complete pet surrender application

If you are surrendering the pet on behalf of someone else, you will need to provide evidence showing who is the owner of the animal and provide authorisation from the owner advising that you have permission to surrender the animal.

By surrendering your pet to us you are agreeing to transfer ownership of your pet to wat djerring Animal Facility, and your pet will be managed in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act (1994). You will be required to sign a surrender form at the time of your appointment.

Please email for more information, or to book a time to surrender your pet.

Step 3.Contact us

For more information about pets and animals please contact us or or on 03 8401 6200.