Microchip your pets
You need to microchip your pets so we or animal shelters can identify them if they get lost.
You must microchip your pets before registering them with us for the first time.
If your pet is caught without their tag, you might have to pay a fine or deal with legal proceedings.
Benefits of microchipping
- Microchipping can help reunite you with your pet if it becomes lost.
- Vets can contact you to make urgent decisions about treatment if your pet is found injured.
- Microchips offer lifetime identification.
- Microchips can't be removed or fall off like a traditional collar and tag.
How microchipping works
A microchip is a small computer chip with an identification number. The chip is injected under the skin around your pet's shoulder area. It's a simple procedure and causes no side effects.
When a microchip scanner passes over your pet's skin it reads the identification number. This number is checked against the microchip registry database for your contact details.
Once microchipped, you'll receive a certificate of identification from the licensed microchip registry. It's important to check the information on the certificate and update the registry if your contact details change.
Where to get your pet microchipped
You can have your pet microchipped at any vet clinic.
Update your contact details
It's important to keep your contact information up to date.
Update the microchip registry if you move house or your contact details change. You can do that on the Animal Welfare Victoria website.
Update my details
More information
To learn more about microchipping, visit the RSPCA Victoria website.