Pest control

Keeping pests under control

Keeping control of pests in your home can be frustrating.

We don’t offer pest control services and we don’t remove pests from private property, but we have put together some information to help you prevent and deal with pest problems.

If you’re having issues with pests, there are ways to discourage them and manage the problem. Read on to learn more about different types of pests and what you can do to get rid of them.

Who's responsible for pest control?

Pests can be unpleasant, and they can also be dangerous and damaging to local environments.

All property owners are responsible for the treatment of pest control problems affecting their properties.

We’re responsible for the treatment of any pest control problems related to nature strips, council-owned buildings or council-owned land.

To report pest problems to us, please phone 03 9217 2170 or email


The best way to avoid ants in your house or building is to minimise the chance of them finding a food source.

Ants are often found around foundations of buildings and in kitchens, lawns and gardens.

While ants generally live in nests located in soil, wood or among rocks, poor conditions can force a colony to relocate. When ants discover a food source, they travel along well-defined and scented trails back and forth to the nest.

How to discourage ants

Try these ideas to help avoid an ant infestation in your home or building.

Keep it clean

Regularly clean and maintain a high level of sanitation and hygiene. This means wiping down surfaces, sweeping floors and keeping things tidy.

Dispose of rubbish

Remove rubbish and food scraps from benches, tables, cupboards and floors promptly. Ants are attracted to leftover food, so keeping things clean helps prevent them from gathering.

Store food properly

Store food in sealed containers. Ants can easily find their way into open food packages, so sealing packaged helps keep ants out.

Wash up after meals

Wash utensils, crockery and cooking items soon after use. Ants are drawn to food residue, so cleaning up promptly reduces their interest.

Seal entry points

Check for gaps and cavities around doors and walls. Seal these openings to prevent ants from sneaking in.

Eliminating ants

Here’s how to deal with an ant infestation

Nest treatment

Direct treatment of the nest provides the most effective long term control of ants. Follow the trail to locate the nest.

Chemical barriers

Alternatively, create chemical barriers between the nest and potential food sources.

Expert help

If the infestation is overwhelming, consider seeking assistance from a pest control expert. They can inspect and treat the nest effectively.


Cockroaches are attracted to the food, shelter and temperature of houses and other buildings. They can be found in cracks and crevices.

Cockroaches eat almost any human or animal food and any dead animal or vegetable matter. This includes leather, cardboard, glue and dog biscuits. They are mostly nocturnal creatures, becoming active after sunset.

Why cockroaches are considered pests

  • They contaminate food, utensils and various areas with droppings, dead cockroaches and vomit marks on surfaces.
  • They can carry diseases, especially food poisoning organisms such as salmonella.
  • Many people are scared of cockroaches due to their fast unpredictable movements and spiky legs.
  • A substantial cockroach infestation can create an unpleasant odour.
  • Some people are allergic to cockroaches, including skin reactions in sensitive people.
  • They have been known to bite people.

How to discourage cockroaches

Avoid a cockroach infestations in your home or building by:

  • maintaining a high level of sanitation and hygiene
  • removing rubbish and food scraps, including leftover pet food
  • storing food in sealed containers
  • washing utensils, crockery and cooking items soon after use
  • sealing gaps and cavities around doors and walls.

You can also use insecticides such as surface and space sprays, insecticidal dusts or baits and traps to eliminate cockroaches.

Eliminating cockroaches

If you do have a cockroach infestation you can use insecticides such as surface and space sprays, insecticidal dusts or baits and traps to eliminate the insects.

If the infestation is out of control, you may need the help of a pest control expert.

European wasps

European wasps are about the same size as bees but have yellow bands with black V-shaped markings down their backs. They can sting repeatedly and can trigger allergic reactions.

European wasps are attracted to sweet food and drinks and have become a pest at outdoor events and barbecues.

How to discourage wasps

Discouraging wasps

To deter wasps from coming onto your property, you can:

  • keep compost heaps and rubbish bins covered at all times
  • remove old or damaged fruit if you have any fruit trees in your garden.

Preventing nest development

European wasps make their nests in sheltered areas around buildings, rubbish heaps, rocks, trees or shrubs. The nests look like grey cardboard and are usually the size of a football. You can often locate a nest by the constant stream of wasps flying to and from one particular location.

In winter the queen wasp will hibernate, usually in firewood, stacked materials or in roofs and sheds. In early spring, the queen will fly around looking for a new nesting site. This is a great opportunity to prevent a nest being developed. Queen wasps are large and slow moving, making them an easy target for insecticidal spray.

Eliminating wasps

The only effective way to control a European wasp problem is to destroy the nest.

Local laws requires residents to ensure a wasp nest does not remain on their premises.

The safest way to remove a wasp nest is to contact a pest control expert to treat the nest, as the wasps can become extremely aggressive if the nest is attacked.

Preventing wasp stings

Here are some tips to avoid getting stung by a wasp.

  • Never drink directly from a can or bottle outdoors, as wasps can crawl inside unnoticed and sting the throat, causing swelling and possible choking. Instead pours cans of drink into a glass or use a straw.
  • Check each mouthful of food when eating food outdoors.
  • Wear shoes when walking on grass.
  • Don't swat or annoy wasps that are hovering around food, as wasps are attracted to moving objects.

Treating wasp stings

If stung, apply an ice pack to the sting.

If an allergic person is stung, apply pressure to the limb or sting area and seek medical help immediately. Ventolin may help to treat breathing difficulties.

Honey bees

In Australia the most common type of bee is the European honey bee, which is yellow and brown and ranges from 2 mm to 6 mm in length.


Swarming is a natural behaviour for honey bees, as part of the reproductive life cycle.

Honey bees usually swarm in warmer weather during spring and summer. The swarm may remain on the move for several days in search of permanent nesting site.

If a swarm settles on your property, keep your family and pets away from it.

Removing bee hives

You shouldn’t attempt to move a bee hive or swarm by hosing it, poking it, throwing stones or any similar action, as this will only aggravate the honey bees to defend themselves.

We recommend you use a registered beekeeper to remove a bee hive in the first instance.


If you find a hive in an open and accessible area, you can ask a beekeeper to come and remove it. The Victorian Apiarist Association can help with hive removal. Their Swarm Catcher Locator helps find beekeepers near you who can help.

Pest controller

If you find a hive is found in confined space or hard to access area, you can ask a licensed pest controller to treat and destroy it, but this should be a last resort because bees are very important to our environment.

Treating bee stings

What to do if you're stung by a bee

  • If there are more bees, quickly get away to a safe place to avoid any further stings.
  • Remove the sting as quickly as possible to reduce the effect of the bee venom, do this by sliding or scraping your fingernail across it, rather than pulling at it.
  • Wash the wound with water and apply a cold compress with ice to reduce the swelling.
  • Use a sting treatment to relieve pain.

Allergic reactions

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering an allergic reaction to the bee sting, known as anaphylactic shock:

  • wheezing or difficulty with breathing
  • tightness in the throat or chest
  • swelling of the lips, tongue or face
  • dizziness or fainting
  • nausea or vomiting.

If you know you are allergic to bee stings and carry an EpiPen, use this straight away. Don't wait for allergic symptoms to appear.

To treat an allergic reaction to a sting, apply pressure to the wound and immobilise the limb or sting area and seek medical help immediately. You can also use Ventolin to help treat breathing difficulties.

Indian myna birds

Indian mynas are a small brown bird with a yellow beak.

They are an introduced species that compete with native birds and animals for food and shelter. They can force animals as large as kookaburras and sugar gliders from their nests.

Indian mynas are not a declared pest and there is no legal requirement to control them, but concerned community groups are running programs to reduce the impact of these birds.

How to discourage Indian mynas

Try these ideas to keep Indian mynas out of your garden.

  • Don’t feed them.
  • Clear away food scraps when eating outside.
  • Feed pets indoors or throw away leftover food after they finish eating outside.
  • Block holes in the roof and eaves to prevent them creating a nest.
  • Install bird netting to block access to roosting or nesting areas.
  • Install bird spikes to prevent them from roosting on ledges.


Red foxes are common in Victoria and have adapted to living in urban areas. They can cause problems by harassing pets, eating pet food, raiding rubbish bins, digging in gardens and damaging infrastructure.

According to the Catchment and Land Protection Act (1994), foxes are now recognised as harmful pests. It’s your legal responsibility to take necessary and reasonable steps to stop foxes from spreading or entering your property and, if possible, remove foxes from your property.

How to discourage foxes

Tips to deter foxes from coming onto your property.

Try deterrents

Use animal deterrent scents, or experiment with movement sensor ultrasonic noise devices or movement sensor water sprinklers.

Don't feed them

Never feed foxes or treat them as domesticated animals.

Clean up

Dispose of food scraps, pet food left outside and excess fruit dropped by fruit trees. Don’t leave objects for foxes to climb over onto neighbouring properties. Remove rubbish lying around and secure bin lids.

Compost care

Always cover your compost heap or use a compost bin.

Weed control

Remove blackberry thickets and other weeds that provide cover for foxes.

Secure coops

If you have chickens, ducks, guinea pigs or pet rabbits, lock them up in secure, roofed coops, especially at night. If a roofed coop isn’t feasible, use 1.5 m high fences with an outward-facing flexible or rigid overhang. This prevents foxes from scaling the fence. Wire netting should be buried at least 450 mm underground or attached to a concrete or wooden floor to prevent foxes from digging underneath. The wire fence and roof netting should have a gauge of at least 0.9 mm, with mesh no larger than 40–50 mm to prevent foxes from pushing through.

Restrict access

Block access to underneath your house to prevent foxes from seeking shelter.

Community awareness

If you spot a fox in the area, inform your neighbours so they can take appropriate action.

What you can do if you spot a fox

Report fox sightings

Visit the Feralscan website to report your sighting. Recordings will contribute to the collection of data on fox locations and hotspots, which informs the Australian Pest Animal Strategy. Reported fox sightings will not result in the control or removal of a sighted fox in that area.

Controlling foxes

It’s the responsibility of the landowner to take all reasonable steps to control fox activity on their property and to prevent its spread. If you’re experiencing problems with foxes on your property, you should contact a qualified pest control company.

Find out more about fox control in rural areas

If you're a rural landowner and you'd like to know more about fox control within the City of Whittlesea, visit our fox control page.

Mice and rats

Mice and rats are rodents that tend to enter homes in search of food and shelter, particularly during winter.

Both mice and rats usually nest within floors, behind walls and between partitions. They can also be found in sheds, near compost heaps and underneath hedges.

Why mice and rats are considered pests

Rats and mice are considered pests because they:

  • are a health hazard
  • can spread diseases through their droppings and urine
  • can eat and contaminate food for human consumption
  • can destroy walls, pipes and household goods
  • can cause electrical problems within the house.

Signs of mice and rats

Mice come out at night in search of food and are rarely seen during the day. Rats appear during the day and night.

Signs of rats and mice in the house include:

  • gnawing
  • mice droppings
  • holes in walls.

A 20 mm hole may indicate the location of a mouse’s nest, while an 80 mm hole may indicate the location of a rat’s nest.

How to discourage mice and rats

Discourage mice and rats by:

  • throwing out all food scraps
  • keeping all food packaging sealed
  • using plastic containers with lids to store grains, cereals and flour.

Eliminating mice and rats

You can use poison bait to control the spread of mice or rats within your home. You can buy this from your local hardware store or supermarket. Ensure you follow the guidelines on the product packaging.

Important: Ensure people and pets do not eat the bait, and take extra care when children are in the house.

Queensland fruit fly

The Queensland fruit fly, also known as the QFly or QFF, is one of Australia's worst horticultural pests.

It’s a serious threat to commercial growers, hobby farmers and home gardeners.

The QFF lays her eggs in many common fruits, fruiting vegetables and some native fruits. Inside the fruit, the growing larvae cause the flesh to rot.

If you see Queensland fruit fly, please fill out our community observation form.

Common fruit and vegetable targets

Common fruits and vegetables targeted by QFF include:

  • apples
  • capsicums
  • cherries
  • chillies
  • choko
  • citrus fruits
  • eggplants
  • feijoa
  • grapes
  • olives
  • quince
  • strawberries
  • tomatoes.

For a full list, visit the Agriculture Victoria website.

Ways to protect your garden and our community

  • Start your control program at least six to eight weeks before fruit is ripe for picking. QFF can lay eggs inside hard, green fruit, so it’s important to start early.
  • Prune host plants regularly to a manageable height so all the fruit can be easily picked and the trees can be netted with exclusion netting if needed.
  • Harvest all ripe fruit and ‘fruiting vegetables’ from the host plants before it has a chance to fall onto the ground.
  • Collect fallen fruit immediately and dispose of it in the general waste (not compost).
  • Suspected infested fruit needs to be treated (cooked or frozen) before disposal.
  • Remove your unwanted or unmanaged host plants including blackberries and unmanageable ornamental fruiting plants.
  • Carefully examine fruit for pests and diseases before sharing and swapping fruit with friends. Movement of fruit from place to place is how pests and diseases are most spread.
  • Avoid transporting any fresh produce into the area from known QFF areas such as northern Victoria, NSW, and QLD. This prevents new incursions.
  • Traps that are designed to attract, catch and monitor QFF in your garden as well as bait sprays, gels and insecticides are commercially available. You can also make your own trap.

More information on Queensland fruit fly

For more information, watch these short videos produced by our neighbours at Nillumbik Shire Council and Darebin City Council: