Hard rubbish

How to book your hard rubbish collection

Households can book up to two hard rubbish collections each financial year (1 July to 30 June).

It’s quick and easy to book your collection online. If you can't book online, please call our Customer Service team on 03 9217 2170 so they can book for you.

Book your hard rubbish collection


When booking your hard rubbish collection, please be aware that the wait time can be several weeks.

If you're moving house and have hard rubbish to dispose of, please book a date as early as possible to ensure it's collected before you vacate the property.

To prepare your items:

Step 1.Make sure your items fit the collection limit.

Your hard rubbish must fit within an area of up to three cubic metres (3 m x 1 m x 1 m) of acceptable hard rubbish items. Items over this size will not be collected.


Step 2.Check all items can easily be lifted by two people.

Step 3.Ensure items are contained and will not blow or wash away.

Step 4.Put hard rubbish on your nature strip the night before your booked collection.

We can't give a specific time for your collection, so please allow the full day. Excessive or unacceptable items will not be collected. 

Please place your hard rubbish on the nature strip no earlier than the night before your booked collection date. Additional items dumped on the nature strip as a result of having the items out before the collection date will not be collected.


Put any broken household items that you can't reuse into your hard rubbish collection. See our list of acceptable items below.

Keep reusable household items that are in good condition out of landfill by donating or selling them.

Items suitable for hard rubbish collection include:

  • blankets
  • boxes of odds and ends
  • broken toys and rags
  • curtains
  • furniture (securely tape and tie doors)
  • mattresses and bed bases (exempt from height and length restrictions)
  • timber offcuts (small amounts)
  • wrapped glass.


Items to keep out of hard rubbish include:  

  • aerosol cans
  • air conditioning units
  • bagged items
  • basketball rings (unless dismantled)
  • building or renovation materials
  • cardboard
  • car parts or tyres
  • carpet or underlay
  • compressors
  • concrete, rubble or soil
  • corrugated sheeting
  • e-waste
  • fence palings
  • general waste (waste that can be put in your kerbside rubbish bin)
  • garden waste
  • furniture with untied doors
  • hot water services
  • liquids, chemicals or unidentifiable items
  • locked containers such as suitcases or filing cabinets where content can't be accessed or identified easily
  • oil heaters
  • polystyrene
  • trampolines (unless dismantled)
  • unwrapped glass.

Find out what to do with these items

Do you need to get rid of old whitegoods or electronics? See the e-waste tab on this page for more information. 


If it's got a plug, cord or battery, it's classified as e-waste.

This includes:

  • whitegoods such as fridges, freezers, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers
  • electronics such as TVs, gaming devices and computers.

E-waste can't be put in any bin or hard rubbish collection. 

Learn more about e-waste, including where to dispose of it.

Find out how to get rid of whitegoods, TVs and computers.

Bring smaller e-waste items to one of our community recycling stations. This includes items such as:

  • fluorescent light globes
  • mobile phones and accessories
  • cameras and accessories
  • printer cartridges
  • x-rays.

See our alphabetical list of items and disposal options.

A - Z guide of waste and recycling

When vacating a property, please consider your waste disposal options before moving out.

If you need hard rubbish collected, please book a date as early as possible. The wait time can be several weeks.

You can also take your waste to Heidelberg Materials (Wollert landfill) or arrange your own rubbish removal service.

Please place hard rubbish on the nature strip no earlier than the night before your booked collection date.

City of Whittlesea residents have access to waste and recycling vouchers, allowing you to drop timber offcuts free of charge at the timber waste facility.

You can recycle your household batteries using the designated battery recycling bins at our community recycling stations.

Woolworths, Aldi, Bunnings, Officeworks and Battery World stores may accept batteries for recycling.

Search for your closest battery recycling point on the bcycle website.

Hard rubbish collected from your nature strip is taken to the Heidelberg Materials (Wollert landfill).