Needle and syringe disposal

If you use syringes or needles for medical purposes, you can use our free sharps disposal service.

We supply free sharps containers to residents for the safe disposal of needles and syringes.

Disposal of medical sharps for home users

If you have a medical condition like diabetes that requires syringes or needles, you can use our free sharps disposal service.

Collect one 4 litre syringe container at a time from the Civic Centre at 25 Ferres Boulelvard, South Morang.

We might ask for proof of residency each time you collect a container. This can be your rates notice or any ID that shows your name and address.

Disposal of medical sharps for businesses

Our sharps disposal service isn't available to businesses.

Businesses that use needles or syringes for procedures or services must use a medical waste contractor to dispose of sharps.

For information about Victoria’s statewide Needle and Syringe Program visit the Department of Health website.